Chapter 5: Rescue

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"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Big Mac stopped and galloped out of the room. "What was that all about?"

Fluttershy was so relieved. She hated every single second of that. "Rainbow... t-thank you. He just came in and told me to go to the bedroom or else he w-would..." Fluttershy squeaked and her voice came to a whisper. "...or else he'd murder all my animals." Rainbow gasped. She was glad Fluttershy was comfortable with talking to Rainbow again.

"Then once I got in here, he locked the door and p-pushed me back onto the bed." Fluttershy said. "And took out his thing down below and... and..."

Rainbow was confused. "What did he do?"

"He touched me with his thing... his..." Fluttershy mumbled something.

"What thing? What did he have?" Rainbow asked, still confused.

"He stuck his thing in m-me..."

"What was the thing?"

"He f-fucked me, alright?"

Rainbow caught herself wide-eyed, staring at Fluttershy. She was in shock, how an innocent stallion like Big Mac would do such a thing. "Wow, Fluttershy. That... that must've been... like... crazy or something."

"Yeah, I didn't enjoy it at all." Fluttershy blushed. "But I'm glad you came in before it could become any worse."

"I'm happy to help." Rainbow said. She put a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy. "Anything for my best bud."

Another wave of grief hit Fluttershy. She can't let her feelings control her. Even if Rainbow wasn't interested, at least she was a good friend. As much as Fluttershy told herself to look on the bright side, all she could do was feel unwanted.

"T-thanks, Dash." Fluttershy said in a dull voice.

"No problem." Rainbow thought this would be a good time to ask about the flower now, since she won't be talking to Big Mac anytime soon. "So, Flutters. Do you know anything about..." Rainbow hesitated. "Anything about somepony gifting me a flower? I just thought I'd ask you because I remember going to get cider with you last night. Uh..."

Fluttershy couldn't keep it in forever. Neither could she start crying every time Rainbow mentioned it. "I...I gave it to you."

Rainbow went dead silent. She just gave Fluttershy an awkward look.

"I gave it to you because..." Fluttershy thought quickly to hide the truth, as to not embarrass herself. "Because I thought you'd like the color."

"Oh... well, thanks! Uh... where'd you get 'Dashie' from?" Rainbow asked.

"You t-told me to call you that... remembe-" Fluttershy shook her head. "I mean..."

"I didn't..." Rainbow began.

"You told me to call you that when we left the bar. It was quick, so it's okay if you don't remember." Fluttershy covered up.

"Oh... well... I-I never tell anyone to call me anything but... I'll let you call me that... I guess." Rainbow said.

Fluttershy was glad she could get out of that. "Alright, Dash. I got to go gather my animals... so I'll see you later... then..."

Rainbow grinned at Fluttershy. "I'll see you, too." Rainbow hugged Fluttershy, then left the room. "Thanks!" She called.

Fluttershy laid back on her bed. Oh, how she liked Rainbow so much. Her hugs were so nice and warm, and her smile was so friendly. Fluttershy thought about telling Rainbow about her feelings for her, but the she wasn't sure. She definitely trusted Rainbow, but feared Rainbow's reaction. It would change everything between them. Fluttershy sighed. She needed to get her mind off of  her desire for Rainbow. Or, rid of her desire completely. She thought for a bit. 

"Dash is just a friend. Dash is just a friend." Fluttershy repeated to herself. "Oh, I know!" She hopped of her bed and made way for the entrance. She creaked the door open, and stepped outside. She turned her head and glanced at her cottage. Fluttershy took a deep breath of confidence, flipped around, and flew away. 


Another short chapter? Aren't you thrilled! Where do you think she's going? Things will never calm down! Anyway... horrifying!

Ok cya!!

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