Chapter 4: Misfortune

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Rainbow's eyes slowly opened. Sunlight shone through her window. She rolled around to face it. She yawned and sat up, feeling unusually well rested. A small, light green box with a pale yellow ribbon sat on the table next to her bed. A tag hung off the side. Rainbow climbed over to the side of her bed and picked it up. 'Thanks, Dashie' the tag read.

"Who calls me 'Dashie?'" Rainbow thought. She pulled the ribbon and opened the box. A small, fresh picked daisy sat inside. She took the daisy out and observed it. "Who'd call me 'Dashie?'" She was so confused. "Who'd gift me a flower?" At least it smelled nice. She had to figure out who gave her the flower. She laid the flower next to her and stared out the window, contemplating. She knew whoever put that box there had to be a Pegasus. Earth ponies and unicorns wouldn't be able to reach her house. Wait, unless... Rainbow remembered when Twilight cast that spell to give Rarity magical wings. Then she remembered that Pinkie has her balloons to lift herself up into the atmosphere. Rainbow sighed. How in Equestria could she possibly know who gave her the flower? Rainbow picked it up and examined it again. What'd she do yesterday? She remembered getting paid at the end of her Wonderbolts training. She napped for a while and then she went to get cider with Fluttershy.

"What'd I do after that?" She thought aloud. "Hmm... maybe Fluttershy would know." She laid the flower on the table and headed for the door.

"Oh, wait!" Rainbow turned around and grabbed a glass from the kitchen. Then she flew back upstairs, taking a cloud puff from the wall along the way. She placed the cloud above the glass and patted it, turning the cloud into fresh water. She placed the flower in the glass of water and put it on the table, then left.

Rainbow crossed the bridge in front of Fluttershy's cottage and admired the view. She never knew how Fluttershy managed to keep her front terrace in such a good shape. The running water softly splashed on the pathway to the cottage door. Rainbow trotted up to it and knocked.

"Fluttershy! It's me, Rainbow!" The top half of the door creaked open to reveal a happy yellow mare.

"Dash! Come inside!" Fluttershy gently said. Her hoof gestured to come follow her inside the cottage. Rainbow opened the lower half of the door and did as she was told. "Sit!" Rainbow walked over to Fluttershy's sofa and took a seat. Fluttershy went to sit in her velvet chair next to it.

"Hey... uh... Fluttershy?" Rainbow began. "Did I happen to tell you where I was going after we went to get cider?"

"Yeah, we went to your house, remember?" Fluttershy cheerfully said in her calm voice.

"Wait, both of us...?" Rainbow slowly asked. Then it hit Fluttershy. Rainbow was drunk. There was no possible way Rainbow could've remembered anything after that. Fluttershy sank in her chair. All that in Rainbow's bedroom. It meant nothing. Fluttershy could feel tears swelling up in her eyes. She couldn't run off to cry and leave Rainbow alone, she was her guest. Fluttershy's head fell down and she didn't say anything.

"Uh... Fluttershy? You alright?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy just nodded, only sheilding more of her face from Rainbow. "You sure?" Fluttershy nodded again. "Well... alright. Hey, by any chance, do you know of somepony giving me a small gift while I was asleep?"

Fluttershy couldn't keep silent anymore. She jumped up from her chair, hid her face and galloped off.

"Fluttershy? Uh..." Rainbow said, confused. "Fluttershy?" Rainbow followed where Fluttershy ran off. She found Fluttershy huddling on the floor of her bathroom, silently crying. "Fluttershy!"

"No, don't w-worry about me, D-dash." Fluttershy said between sobs. "Just... leave m-me be."

"C'mon, Flutters... you can tell me." Rainbow pressed. "You can tell-"

"JUST LEAVE ME BE, DASH!" Fluttershy screamed. Tears ran down her face like waterfalls. Rainbow froze. She never expected Fluttershy to yell like that, after the incident with Iron Will. Fluttershy buried her face in her mane again and turned away. Rainbow slowly backed away in shock and hurried out of the cottage.

Rainbow flew, still taken aback. Why did Fluttershy's mood change all of a sudden? Was it something that Rainbow said? Was it something she did? If Rainbow couldn't ask Fluttershy about the gift, she'd have to find somepony else. She saw Sweet Apple Acres and approached it. Her orange pony friend was nearby, bucking some apples.

"Hey, Applejack!" Rainbow called. "How's it going?"

"Howdy, Rainbow!" Applejack replied. "What brings ya here?"

"Nothing much. Where's your brother?"

"Oh, Big Mac? He went to Fluttershy's. Why?"

Rainbow looked puzzled. "I was just there a few minutes ago. I needed to ask him something about last night. He's the bartender at your bar, right?"

Applejack went back to bucking the apples. "Yeah, well... 'ight. Don't get to caught up over there."

"Okay." Rainbow took off and drifted back to Fluttershy's. What was Big Mac doing over there? She thought Fluttershy never wanted to see him again after they stopped dating. Well, Fluttershy could always change. Rainbow descended back to Fluttershy's cottage. She trotted up the nice front terrace again and stood at the door. She brought a hoof up to the door to knock, then remembered how Fluttershy reacted last time she saw Rainbow. Maybe she shouldn't enter. Rainbow sighed in disappointment and turned around, when she heard a yelp from inside. Not a small yelp, but something frightening. This alarmed Rainbow, making her decide that she should go inside. Rainbow opened the door and it looked the same from when she left. No ponies in sight. She checked the kitchen and bathroom. Nothing. Not even any of her animals. She was about to leave when she remembered the floor above. Rainbow made way for the stairs and walked up. Only a single door stood there. Another yelp escaped from the room ahead. It was definitely from here. Rainbow grabbed the door handle, only to discover that it was locked.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy! I'll get in!" Rainbow called. She assumed it was Fluttershy who yelped, because Big Mac's deep voice wouldn't be able to make such a high pitched sound. Rainbow got off the ground and flew back, readying herself to bust open the door. Rainbow dashed at full speed, crashing through the door into Fluttershy's bedroom. A guilty red stallion, known as Big Mac, looked back to the busted down door and the blue pony that hovered in front. Behind this red stallion, was a yellow mare, known as Fluttershy, tears in her eyes. There was obviously sexual intercourse, but without consent. Otherwise known as rape.


What do you think about Fluttershy's gift? Or Big Mac's seduction? Sorry about the story taking such a harsh turn, it's for a reason! Anyways, be prepared for the next chapter too!

Ok cya!!

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