Charlotte's eyes closed a brief moment and she squared her shoulders. "Thank you for your help, Liam," she said taking the boxes from his hands. "But I can take it from here." Turning to Clair, she continued. "I'll pop these back and grab the last few boxes."

She was headed for the car before either could return comment. Well, that was awkward. She was only meters from the car when Liam fell into step behind her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking. "Liam, what is it you want?"

"I told you."

She spun and pulled back, his taut body almost bowling her over. He caught her by the arms and she was besieged with a sudden awareness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said his tone one of sincerity.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and eased her arms from his grip. "Thank you for apologising again but it really isn't necessary. I have my hands full at the moment with everything that is going on with the shop. I'm not looking to get involved with anyone right now."

He held is hands up to halt her mid-thought. "Woah, slow down. I'm in town for a week at the most. I only came to apologise for being a loud-mouth idiot yesterday. Who said anything about a getting involved?"

Charlotte's eyes widened. Her stomach bottomed out and the bitter taste of bile rose to the back of her throat. Can I put my foot put in my mouth any further? His rejection hurt, but then again, she had a knack for jumping to conclusions.


"I am truly sorry for the pathetic joke I pulled yesterday about your cupcakes and just to prove it, I'd love to taste one." His smile was like a release of fresh air.

What's the harm in being friends? She could do friends.

"Sure, why not," she said putting the empty boxes in the car and replacing them with the last of the full ones. "Let's get these over so Clair doesn't have a freak out. Then I'm sure I'll be able to steal one for you. Just don't tell my sister."

He whispered. "I promise." He thinned his lips and made a locking action with a key and threw it over his shoulder.

A hearty laugh erupted from the base of her stomach. "Come with me."

Liam stood to the side of the table while Charlotte placed the last of the decorations around the cupcake display and then stood back, her heart brimming with satisfaction. I do love my job.

"Oh, Charlotte, it's wonderful," Mrs Stevenson said, her eyes bursting with love. She clasped her hands together over her heart. "It's perfect, just as I imagined. You've taken me back to my teenage years dear when high tea was all the fashion."

Adrenaline bled through Charlotte's veins. The love in her eyes was all she needed to pep her spirts up after the disastrous start to the weekend.

"I'm so happy you approve," she said with a smile.

Charlotte's breath caught in her throat as Mrs Stevenson grabbed her in a motherly hug. She couldn't help the surge of longing or sudden tears that burned her eyelids. She'd missed her mum so much since her parents moved to New York a year ago. Her mother was an award winning interior designer and she spent most of her time travelling between New York and Australia. It'd nearly broken her mother's heart to leave her girls behind, but they'd convinced her it was the best decision for her career. Charlotte missed her terribly, but thanks to Mrs Stevenson's hugs, she felt her mother in her heart. Always.

She blinked back her tears as Mrs Stevenson's voice warmed her heart. "That nonsense written in the paper yesterday was utter codswallop. As far as I'm concerned, you make the best cupcakes I've ever tasted and if I had my way, Daniel would have his backside tanned so hard he couldn't sit down for a week."

Cupcakes and CyanideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon