Jeongin (I.N)

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The rich aroma of coffee and warmth greeted me as I stepped into the small café tucked away on the busy streets of Seoul. Greeting the manager with a smile, I put on my apron and headed over to the counter.

Despite what some people may say about minimum wage careers, to me, making coffee is a work of art. From the grinding and blending of the coffee beans up to the decoration and latte art, every cup is made with care and (although it may sound cheesy) -love.

Seeing customers walking out with a cup in their hands and a smile on their faces never ceased to brighten up my day. After all, changing that sleep-deprived and stressed frown into a relaxed and content expression is what this job is all about.

"Hi! May I please have 9 coffees and 2 cheesecakes to go?" a boy greeted me cheerfully, his smile revealing his cute braces.

"9 coffees and 2 cheesecakes? Are you buying for that group of trainees from JYP?" I asked, jotting the order down.

"Eh? How did you know I was buying for them?" the boy asked, a shocked expression displayed on his face.

"There aren't any other people who would buy 9 coffees and 2 cakes in one transaction. Where's Dia and Hyerin unnie today? aren't they the ones who usually buys the coffees for those boys?" I asked as I took the money from him.  

"Something came up so I'm here to get the coffees in their place. By the way, I'm Jeongin, Yang Jeongin." the boy- Jeongin beamed.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you" I replied with a smile, "So how come you're here alone to the get the food? Do you have an extra arm or something?"

Jeongin laughed "I wish I did, it'll make my job a lot easier"

"Seriously, can't the trainees come over to help with all the food? I mean its all for them isn't it? Just because they're going to be the one of the next top boy groups doesn't mean that they can't walk across the road to get their own coffees." I muttered as I grabbed several cup holders, not realising that the maknae of the group was standing right infront of me.

Jeongin walked over to the side counter and sat down on the tall stools. "Everyone is stressed and training really hard, especially with all the expectations and debut coming up in a month."

Taking two cheesecakes out from the kitchen, I packed them neatly into the cake boxes and bags. Handing everything to Jeongin, I replied "Buying a coffee and some snacks only takes a few minutes, and getting some fresh air after being in a practice room for hours would help them relax and de-stress. And tell the unnies to stop spoiling the boys, afterall they're their managers not their servants."

"I suppose that's true, thanks (Y/N)!" Jeongin smiled again causing me to squeal internally due to his cuteness.

Watching him struggling to balance everything as he walked out of the café, I laughed quietly to myself. Too bad I can't help Jeongin since my shift doesn't end until later in the afternoon.

~The next day~

"Hello and welcome to the Café!"

"How may I help you today?"

"That'll be 2 dollars 50 please"

"Thank you, here's your receipt."


"Hey (Y/N), I took your advice and brought the others!" A cheerful voice greeted me as I finished making a chai latte for my previous customer.

Looking up, I saw Jeongin and eight other boys standing at the counter. The pieces finally clicked in my mind and I mentally facepalmed myself for not realising that Jeongin was one of the boy trainees I made drinks for every morning.

I coughed in an attempt to get rid of my embarrassment "is it the usual 9 coffees and 2 cheesecakes?"

"3 cakes please. Jisung hyung finished a whole one by himself yesterday and I barely got any." Jeongin pouted, pointing at a boy with cute chubby cheeks.

"You know how much I love that cake" Jisung retorted leaning on the counter.

"I have to admit that our cakes are the best, though you'll probably start growing horizontally if you eat too much of it" I teased.

"Pssh, I don't gain weight" he scoffed

"Sure, that's why your cheeks are round like a hamster's"


Handing over the drinks I looked at Jeongin "I guess you'll be getting your own drinks from now on?" hoping for a yes, afterall, who wouldn't want to see Jeongin's sweet smile every morning?

"Yep~ See you tomorrow (Y/N)!" Jeongin replied brightly, and there's that adorable smile again.


Hey guys! Its Sam here back from the dead XD

I had an idea for an imagine so here we are~

Also, Summer and I got our I am NOT albums a few days ago (we got different versions)

But Summer didn't get any photocards in hers cause apparently the manufacture company messed up (-_-)

Seriously JYP that's THREE missing photocards please make sure this doesn't happen again my girl is heartbroken TT

Anyways, if you liked this imagine then please VOTE and COMMENT :)

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