Wiishu is Home

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Hoi! Omg this is so coooooool like omg I wasn't expecting so many people to actually watch this! Take it most of them didn't get past the first part of the story, but they are just noobs! Stay tuned for more!

~Anti POV

I wake up in Jacks arms. I snuggle with him for a while before getting bored, I get out of Jacks grip and head downstairs. I take a shower and make a cup of coffee. Wiishu won't be back for two hours so I won't wake Jack... yet, maybe we'll have time to have some more fun. I flop onto the couch and search through channels on the TV

~ 1 hour later

I see Jack come downstairs, clearly limping, even though I can tell he is trying to hide it.

"Guess i pounded you hard last night."
I joke with him. He laughs pathetically, I shrug it off.

"Everything hurts..." Jack whines, "and now I feel bad"

"Feel bad? Why?" I ask, I mean it's gay and it didn't really mean anything... right?

"Well, we had sex... but Wiishu is my girlfriend, so I'm cheating on her and that's wrong!" Jack says, he looks like he is about to cry.

"Pshhht, it's not like it really meant anything, I mean it's gay sex. You'll be fiiiinnee!" I brush it off, maybe to make Jack feel better. Jack just shrugs it off and makes a cup of coffee.

"Are we going to ever do it again? It felt fookin amazing!" I ask in a chill tone. Jack turns around and stares at me for a second, his face turning slightly red.

"I-I don't know, it felt good, but I don't want to do that to Wiishu." Jack sighs and sits on the couch next to me. I change my position on the couch to face him, I put one hand on his cheek, I lean in for a kiss but he stops me.

"Not now.... Wiishu is going to be home soon..." Jack stated, as I slouched back onto the couch, unimpressed.

"When did you get so Lustful with me Anti, I mean Jesus christ!" Jack asked.

Who wouldn't want to fuck themselves? I mean, not to brag but I'm super fookin' hot. I thought to myself.

"Because, our  body is super fookin sexy, I'd fuck myself all night! Who wouldn't want to fuck themselves?"
I answer, Jack only nodded and turned to the TV. We sit quietly only paying attention to whatever was on, but I was thinking about Jack.

I just noticed how jelous I am, I hate Wiishu... and I think I hate her because she took Jack from me? No I'm not Jelouse. I look at Jack from the corner of my eye, I was going to talk to him until....

"Hey! I'm home!!" A very happy Wiishu walked through the door. Jack stood up with a smile on his face and hugged her, I growled and turned up the volume on the TV. Wiishu glared at me, I could tell.. but I don't give a shit.

"Hey Wiish! Did you have a nice girls night out with your friends?" Jack asked, and so the conversation continued. So I walked upstairs not giving a shit and took a nap in the guest bedroom.

~ The next day

I wake up and stretch my body, I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom to take a piss, once I'm done I head into Wiishu's room. I look in and she isn't there. So I head to Jacks room.

"Hey Jackass! Are you up yet?" I ask. He is lying in bed on his phone.

"I am up Anti, no need to curse at me!" Jack answers. That made me grin a bit.

"Where is Wiish?" I ask curious, hoping she is dead.

"Oh she just left to go shopping, she won't be back til later." Jack answers.

Good enough, maybe I can coax him into 'playing' with me!

"So what do you want to do right now?" I ask as I sit on his bed next to him.

"No, I don't want to do that right now.... or ask least not yet." Jack answers blatantly. I start to get a little upset and get frustrated.

"Jack. What would Wiishu do if I told her we had sex, and that you were on a porn site?" I try to blackmail him. But Jack is unamused.

"Listen, buddy... it's not that it won't ever happen again, it's just that... now isn't a good time okay?" Jack tries to calm me down.

"Fiiiinnee, you win! But we better do it soon!" I answer in a childish tone.

Ok so here is the plan, I'll try to have smut every other part, or every 2 parts... just so things remain spicy! I might add other ego's and maybe even some of Marks egos but.... ehhh I don't know!

My Bad || Antisepticeye x Jacksepticeye ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن