Chapter 2: They Are On The Other End

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Amora's POV

It's Wednesday morning January 3, year 3045.

6:34 a.m.

I'm searching through my closet trying to find a good school outfit. My closet is in season sections so on the right side of the closet is winter and spring and the left side is for summer and fall.

I'm on the right side searching for my pink sweater with a flower trim at the bottom but haven't had any luck in finding it.

I take a step back wondering if I put it in my fall section.

Searching through fall there came a knock on my door. When I'm about to say come in, I realize all I'm wearing is ripped jeans and my black and white sports bra.

Even though I know it's my step-mom I yell "one second!!" And I grab my robe from my dresser, tie it around my self, and then open the door.

My step-mom stands on the other side wearing a black tank top with a grey sweater blanket over her shoulders. I smell bacon from downstairs.

"I'm m-making breakfast and lemonade if you want some.... when you're ready." She gives a shy smile and pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders.

Ever since my mom died last year my dad figured it was his duty to get me and my little sister a mother ASAP.

So he found Mia, she had her string cut a couple of years ago and her other half was killed in a car accident so my father married her. Around five months ago my father brought her into our house. My father is always deep in his work to care for us so Mia does it for him.

I could never bring myself to replace my mom so I never thought of Mia as my new mom.

Mia knows this, but either way, she tries hard to be a good stepmother to me and my sister by cooking, cleaning, and washing us.

I sometimes feel pity for her. Not even my little sister will call her mom. To us, she is just Mia or ma'am.

Looking at her now I nod and smile back saying "Thank you, Mia. When I'm ready I'll come eat."

I see her tense up as if she's nervous. She is always shy and never opens up so I'm used to seeing her tense and stuttering when she's nervous.

The tension in her shoulders stay as she asks "W-Would you like me to do your hair? I-I can braid... o-or do little twists." She looks down and fiddles with her fingers.

"You know what, maybe next week," I say and she looks up at me. "I just want my hair straight for today."

She nods and slowly turns around and I shut the door.

A sigh escapes my mouth as I head back to my closet. Then I laugh when I look in to see the pink sweater right in the middle of my closet as if it was there and I just didn't see it.

Putting it on I head to my bathroom which is the connection between my room and my little sister Amanda's room.

I start to add a little mascara and blush then Amanda walks in to brush her teeth.

"Hey, did you put this sweater in my closet while I was talking to Mia?" I say squinting my eyes at the little five-year-old.

She freezes and I see her ears turn red which tells me she is about to lie.

"N-No. I was in my room." Amanda puts toothpaste on her brush but before she turns on the water I snatch her up in my arms.

She squeals dropping her brush while laughing. I nuzzle my nose in her neck and tickle her sides.

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