Chapter 1: Red Soulmate Pinky Strings

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In the present day, during the years 2705-2709, strange things happened. The night after a baby's birth a red string would appear tied to the baby's pinky.

People have always heard stories of rare kids born with red pinky strings but never thought it would happen here. Parents and doctors got confused and didn't know if they should cut them. Then in the year 2725, a lady named Veronica Burhand, a USA novelist and one of the few people with red strings made her way to Illinois.

She claimed that the strings led to what is called a soulmate. The person you are to marry. She said that the strings were to be kept uncut so people can't ruin their fate. If they were cut, the strings would be permanently separated until reunited with their other half. If a male with a cut string got in a close distance with their female soulmate they would be pulled or dragged by their string, fast or slow, until reunited. Unless the distance became too far once again. This only happens to the male half. This is dangerous because, in the past, men have been pulled off of cliffs and also into ongoing traffic.

She then explained that when the soulmates meet and find out that they are tied together, the string disappears, but if they don't except each other the string turns into a chain and they aren't separated until they do.

Then Veronica stated that those who don't receive a red string the night after their birth will either die young or go into the religious life (priests, sisters, nuns... etc.).

Now, 420 years later, in the year 3045, red strings are everywhere. Everyone is used to it and nobody pays attention to the strings.

Police are everywhere watching for those who cut not only other strings but also their own strings. If you were to cut a string and got caught you would have life in prison along with your other half in the room next to you.

Even if your soulmate didn't cut a string they would suffer because of you and neither of you would be able to meet each other. That was the punishment.

If your string wasn't cut by you or your soulmate you revived a stamp on your ID to lets others know you didn't.

Strings rarely get tangled surprisingly. If they do, it's easy to get untangled. Even with strings laying everywhere on the ground people don't trip or get caught on objects.

Strings can stretch, so if you were to step on a string you wouldn't stop someone from walking. But they can only go to an extent. That's why people got rid of most planes, trains, and boats. Nobody wants to be dragged underwater or through the air for hours. Families adjusted a long time ago so nobody needed to travel. The only people allowed to travel were those who had no strings like those who have found their soulmates.

These days people just focus on fate, of what's to come. Those without strings... will they die today? Tomorrow? Or will they live? Those with strings.... when will they meet their soulmate? Today? Tomorrow?

Macomb, Illinois..... and the world..... filled with red strings.

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