kinda sad, kinda depressing

93 11 2

Monday, November 5th, 2015
4:41 p.m.

The last blog wasn't exactly positive and this one won't be either. With the exception of three people, (including the backstabber) none of my friends knew about the crush I had on a lovely lady at school. Now I shall not name names for the sake of the peace but one friend who I thought of as a brother, who knew of my longtime crush, asked her out. Might I add, in front of me as well. "You're not mad are you?" He asked afterwards. Pshhh no.

Just disappointed and very heartbroken but no I'm not mad. Nope.

So friends (who are actual friends aka good people (yes I'm going to be petty)) don't do your friends dirty. Don't ask out the girl they like, that you know they have liked for a very long time and have been working up the nerve (for a very long time) to ask them out.

Now then, who wants a giveaway?? Keep an eye out for my next post on my very aesthetic IG: @/yaboi_koala for more details!

Thanks for reading - CB97

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