New Life, New Enemies

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First chapter of the sequel! Enjoy!

Authors pov

It's been 2 years, you haven't seen the pastas since. You don't regret a single thing, you became close friends with Daichi and Tsuki. You even got Daichi to start speaking English, he still has a heavy Japanese accent, unlike his sister. "Toxic! My office now!" Zalgo yells from the loud speaker. You curse under your breath and walk out of your room and by his office door. You've gotten used to the new environment, your attitude has changed though, you used to be bubbly and joking around all the time, but that was at the Slender Mansion. Here, in Zalgo's Mansion, your cold and taking everything seriously. You knock on the door and you hear a quick 'come in.' You open the door, revealing a emotionless Zalgo.

Your POV
I curse at Daichi in my head, he's getting me in trouble so many times, I'm surprised I'm not dead by now. "What do you need Zalgo?" He turns around. "They're coming after you." He says, not even correcting me for calling him 'Zalgo' and not 'Lord Zalgo.' "What? Who?" I say confused. "The CreepyPastas. They think I took you, against your own will." Zalgo explains, I scoff, wanting to kill all of them. "Why the hell do they care about me now? It's been 2 years." Zalgo shrugs. "I don't know, what I'm thinking is that they realized something critical within your power and they want you back. Like a power or something..." He says slowly, looking at me. I shrug. "All I can do is transform into a wolf and have the same abilities they do, on command. It's nothing special, well maybe to humans but that's it to be honest." I say, leaning on the wall, taking the situation lightly. "Toxic, this is not a situation to take lightly! They can easily start a war, you know how Slenderman and his brothers are about this. Remember when I took RagDoll? You guys did not take that lightly. They will do anything in their power to get what they want." Zalgo says, aggressively if I say so myself. "Calm down Zalgo, I'll handle it myself." I say, turning around to walk out, then he teleports in front of me, preventing me from exiting. "You aren't doing this my yourself. Take Tsuki and Daichi." He says, I groan. "All they do is slow me down!" Zalgo taps his foot. "Take them." I groan and slouch. "Fineeee! I'll go get them..." I walk out of his office and go to Tsuki's bedroom door. "TSUKI! OPEN UP!" I say, the door swings open. "What!" She says, I look in the room and see Daichi sitting on her bed playing a game boy. "You And Daichi need to come with me to get the CreepyPastas off my tail." I look back at her. "But it's been 2 years? Why are they coming back now?" She asks, inviting me inside. I shrug and lean against the wall. "That's what I wanna know." I say, she tells Daichi to pack some stuff. "How long are we staying out?" Tsuki asks, I shrug. "As long as we need to I guess. We could always stop to buy clothes and stuff from a store, just pack everything I guess." I say, I stand up and stretch. "Welp, I'll see you guys when we leave. Say bye to your friends and whatever." I wave as I walk to my room. "Woah Toxic lookin thick." A voice says, I cringe. Xavier, the Casanova in the house. "Fuck off, I'm busy." I say flipping him off from behind and closing my bedroom door. I pull out the suitcase I used to pack my stuff at the Slender mansion. I sigh and I prepare for the long packing process to begin.

~time skip~

I wipe my sweat after finally managing to fit everything in my suitcase and zip it up. I decide to go downstairs for a snack. I walk out of my room and head down the stairs. I look around, it's much different from the slender mansion, it's more quiet and there's not any kids running around. Heck, there's not even a kid in the house. 'You miss them, admit it bitch.' Ah yes, the new voice in my head. I got it the first week I was here. It's a rough voice, seems familiar tho. 'Fuck off W.' "I know you fucking miss them, just go back, it was a stupid ass dream. Jesus fuck.' The voice says, trying to persuade me again. 'Fuck off, I don't care if it was a dream, i knew it would be coming' I argue back, the voice says....nothing. Just growls and stops talking. I shrug, fine with me, all I needed is him to stop talking. I open the fridge and get a carton of blood, not a bottle, just a carton, like a milk carton. I pour the blood into a glass and grab some takis. I start to head upstairs but I bump into someone. I look up and see clockwork. She smirks at me. "Isn't Toxic, can I have some." She grabs my cup and drinks some. "Ew type O, the worst." She makes a face and hands it to me. I shrug. "It has a bitter taste to it, like coffee, just thicker." She left the creepypasta too, don't care why, all I remember her telling me is that she did, I don't listen to the rest. We go our separate ways and I go upstairs. I go into my room and eat my takis and drink the blood. I scroll through Instagram and my phone glitches. A message on my screen shows up. "Go back." I roll my eyes and turn my phone on and off. The message is gone, it's been doing that for so long. The fucker in my head is doing this shit, I don't know what he's even getting from this. I close my eyes and wonder off to sleep land.

~time skip cause I worked on this for a month cause procrastination is my life~

I wake up by someone shaking me. "It's time." Tsuki says, I sit right up. I learned that from how many accidents we've had through out my stay. "Mkay, lets go. You booked a hotel?" She shakes her head. "Even better, I got us a house near the forest, but not too close since all the houses over there are ugly." I shrug and grab my bag, I look over and see Daichi saying bye to everyone. I walk downstairs and I grab the handle to the door. "Come on! This mission won't do itself!" I yell from the door, almost exiting the house, until a hand goes on my shoulder. "Hey, I wanted to say bye." I turn around and see him. My crush, I wouldn't think I could have a crush here, no one would since I'm so heartless. His name is Micheal. Brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles, a third white eye. Sure he may look like illuminate's son but damn did Bill Cipher do a nice job. "Oh, yeah bye Micheal." I say emotionless, he still smiles. He hugs me tight and let's go, his hands still on my shoulders. "Be safe, kay?" Hes the sweetest one here, hes like my crush in middle school. Always so nice, it's weird they had the same name too. I blush a little bit and look away. "Yeah ok I will." He smiles and waves. I walk outside and see Tsuki and Daichi already in the car. "Took forever lover girl." Tsuki says, I glare at her and get in the car. "Our new house we go!" My eyes get droopy so I fall asleep. Trusting Tsuki and Daichi with the transportation.

Oh yeahh! I hope you like the new book! Took me forever to write since I procrastinate a lot. Anyways, my birthday is on Tuesday so wish me a happy Birthday please! Thanks, I'll see you guys later BAIII!

Stay Alive |-/

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