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'Purple Diamond pov.'
"I feel so awful. Those poor gems, having to hide away under the surface." Blue sighs as she presses a hand to her cheek. Her Pearl leans into her from her spot on her shoulder.

"The important thing is that we're helping them become reacquainted with society." I tell her with a small smile.

"The whole hierarchy is a mess. We were well on our way to giving servant class gems their freedom when Green betrayed us." Yellow murmurs as she looks through files.

"Why did Green do what he did? You guys raised him good and treated him really nice." Steven says quietly. Blue sighs and scoops him into her palm.

"Oh Steven. You're so like Pink. I know it's hard to understand, why anyone would betray their family. Green was a troubled gem and simply couldn't love us the way we loved him." Blue says softly.

"Okay! On a brighter note, we have a surprise for you Purple." White says as she coughs awkwardly. Blue smiles as she claps her hands together. Yellow offers her hand for Steven and I and we step into it together.

"Ooh what is it? What is it?" Steven asks as we leave the Private Chambers.

"We cant simply tell you, you have to find out!" Blue laughs as she carries us down the hall. As we walk deeper and deeper into the Diamond Palace I start remembering this path. I haven't been here since...since I emerged from the Diamomd Kindergarten.

"Are we going where I think we are?" I whisper.

"Don't ruin the surprise, starlight." White says with a smile. We come to an elevator and board it. There's an air of excitement as we descend deep into the core of homeworld. The doors open and I take in the sight of our kindergarten.

"Oh wow. This is the diamond kindergarten?" Steven gasps as he looks around.

"Yes, Steven. This is where your mother emerged. I remember it like it was yesterday." Blue sighs as she lowers us to the ground in front of Pink's emergence point.

"Okay, what are we doing here?" I ask them as I cross my arms. White smiles down at me.

"While Green was in control he decided we needed a new Diamond, to replace you and Pink. He had us take care of it, creating a new Diamond isn't easy you know. None of us are in the right mind to take care of a gemling, and we know you and Turquoise were thinking about adopting, so here we are. Surprise, Purple." She tells me. I feel tears build up in my eyes.

"A-A child?! What am I going to tell Turquoise? And everyone else? Do I just show up with them and say 'surprise I'm a mother now!'" I panic as I pace in front of the wall. Blue places a hand on my shoulder and I calm down.

"Purple I know you're nervous. When you emerged, we were all so worried. You were only the second era 2 Diamond, anything could have gone wrong. But I know you'll make an excellent mother." She soothes. I take a deep breath and nod. We turn to the wall and my breath catches as it starts glowing. After a moment there's a small puff of dust and a small figure emerges. She blinks as she looks up at us.

"Hello, Black. My name is Purple Diamond. I'm...I'm your mother." I tell her softly. She gasps quietly before smiling and hugging my waist. She's so small...

"Hello little one." Yellow greets.

"I am White Diamond, this is Blue and Yellow. As for this little cutie, he is your cousin Steven. Welcome to the world, starlight." White hums as Black gazes up at them.

"How strange...a Diamond with her gem on her throat..." Blue muses as she tilts Black's head up.

"Is that...bad?" Black asks.

"No my little gem. It means you're special." I smile down at her. She beams at me with a wide smile.

"Shall we depart? Turquoise will be ecstatic to meet her." Yellow hums.

"Of course. We're going to meet someone I care very deeply for." I tell Black as White offers her hand. We step on as Blue scoops up Steven.

"This is going to be interesting." Yellow hums.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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