Aftermath of the deceitful Ruby

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I needed a short filler chapter before my next big update so here you go
'Purple Diamond pov.'
"Auntie it's not funny!" Steven whines as I run my fingers through his hair.

"It is a little funny." Pearl admits with a small smile. Peridot stomps her foot and Lapis continues resting her head in her palm.

"Don't misunderstand my little diamond, it's just that, well...Lapis can fly, you have floating powers, and Peridot controls metal." I giggle. Of course I'm not happy that Ruby got away before I could have one of my Nephrite crews follow her, but it does no good to dwell in the past.

"At least Steven's not hurt." Pearl says with a grin.

"Yeah well that little Ruby could have gotten them cracked. If she were here I'd feed her to Lion." Jasper sniffs. Garnet hums from her spot to the side and we all roll our eyes.

"She's not our favorite Ruby." I sigh.

"My Ruby is so much better than her! She's cracked if she thinks she's half as adorable." There goes Sapphire. Garnet stands and stomps off. Pearl looks after her but shakes her head slightly and looks at her hands.

"Pearl. Come help me with Malachite and the little Jaspers." Lapis says. It's phrased as a request but Lapis is just trying to keep her busy.

"I'm going to go talk to Garnet." I say after a moment.

"Finally. Tired of all this." Amethyst huffs as she cuddles Peridot. I stand and brush off my dress before following Garnet. I find her punching a tree.

"You two need to let Garnet be." I say.

"Pearl is not our mate." Ruby forces through Garnet's lips.

"It's not fair to Garnet or Pearl when you do this. Pearl deserves someone who loves her. We both know she wasn't always in love with Pink. You two kept forcing Garnet to reject her and Pearl forced herself to find love in others." I growl.

"What happens when they want to fuse?" Sapphire argues.

"Not every gem wants to be constantly fused with their true mate. Turquoise and I aren't. Jade and Gold Citrine manage just fine. Amber and Ringwoodite fuse sometimes but even those lovesick gems can't stand being fused for more than a few hours. Steven and Connie literally couldn't keep it together because they felt lonely without the other." I say with a shake of my head.

"Look I'm just saying, before you and Steven found the first forced fusion, Garnet and Pearl were fine, but ever since then you two are controlling her too much. Just let Garnet exist. You know you're breaking the laws of fusion." I huff. They shouldn't be so...clear. On the rare occasion that I fuse with a gem, it's never me and her, more like we're a new gem altogether.

"I'm just- I don't...We don't understand." Garnet grinds out in a strange voice.

"Ruby. Sapphire. I think it would be best if you allowed me to poof you and allow my healers to study your gems." I say calmly. Garnet stares at me for a moment before nodding.

"It'll be alright Garnet. We'll figure out why you're not synchronized." I soothe as I pull a destabilizer out of a strap on my waist. I power it up before touching it to Garnet's arm. She groans before dissipating her form. I pick up the two gems on the ground and sigh.

"We'll figure it out." I promise.

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