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     We were officially back at the Curtis' house hold. Honestly, I felt a lot better being here than back at a place I don't wanna call home. But I have to, it's not my choice. Anyway's, right now the gang and I are watching Mickey-Mouse, while Darry cooks something. I decided to get up and go outside, maybe just enjoy nature a bit. I stood up and when I reached the door, Two-Bit said, "Where are ya going? I thought  you were staying a night or two." "I am. I just wanted to go outside and sit." I said, laughing lightly. I walked outside, and felt more than just relaxed. I don't know how to explain how I am feeling. I hear the door open and close, and I look up and see Pony-Boy. "Hey, I just came up with an idea. Do you wanna go on an adventure?" He asked, sitting down on the porch. I nodded my head, a small smirk forming on my lips.

     He stood up and offered a hand to me. I gladly took it and he led me to some part of the forest. We finally reached a certain destination that looked really beautiful. "I haven't shown this place to anyone. Not even Johnny, and he's my best friend. I have my own tree-house and everything. Wanna check it out?" Pony-Boy asked, pointing up towards a tree-house with a rope. I nodded and we started to climb up the rope. When we reach the top, I crawl in through the small door. I stand up and stretch out my legs, then take a good look around me.

     "Wow."I said smiling, looking at the walls inside of the tree-house. They were covered with paintings and drawing from coloring books. Their were also millions of poems covering the walls and a home-made book shelf with millions of books inside. "Yeah, I know. Do you think I should bring Johnny?" I nodded, and Pony-Boy then climbed down the rope to go and get Johnny.

                                                                                5 minutes later

     I heard voices below the tree-house, so I peeked my head out, and when I did, I saw Pony-Boy and Johnny under the tree house. "Hey guys, come on up!" I yelled, and Pony waved at me as he started climbing. Johnny then followed. Pony-Boy reached the top and I put my hand out and he took it. I then pulled him inside the tree house. I then pulled my hand out for Johnny, and he grabbed it, and I helped him up to. "So, what do you guys wanna do," I asked.
     "I'm just gonna read," Pony-Boy said, heading towards the bookshelf. I looked at Johnny and said, "How about you?" "I'm going to listen to Pony-Boy read." Johnny said, walking towards Pony-Boy. I shrugged, and went over there too. I sat down on the ground, and Johnny sat beside me. Pony-Boy then started to read, and Johnny and I just sat, listening in this peaceful place.
     When Pony-Boy was done with a chapter, he said, "My throats kinda raw from reading so much. Do you wanna go back home?" Johnny and I just nodded. As Johnny made his way down the rope, I said, "You know I don't really see how that was an adventure." "I don't either," he replied, chuckling. I smiled to myself, as I started to climb down the rope too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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