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     Hi, my name is Maddie Lee. I am 15 years old and live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Right now, my dad is being a real ass. He was punching me and kicking me...and it honestly really hurts. He does this to me for no reason, except for his stupid friends reasons. My dad's a drunk. He is, and so are his friends.
     Today was different than any other. My dad wouldn't stop. He kept kicking or punching me in one spot,  a bruise would form. Then when I did bruise, he would go to a different spot. I wasn't crying, holding it in until I was away from him.
     I jumped away from him and started running. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I ran out the door. I knew he wouldn't go outside and hurt me in front of people, he is a coward in that way. But again, today was a different day. My dad ran outside, saw me and ran after me.
     All of a sudden, everything went black. Than I passed out and was lying there in the grass for the next hour or so. Thats at least what I thought happened. But when I woke up, everything was changed.

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