Chocolate Cake

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     I was getting to know the guys better, the gang. They are called Greaser's. Their enemies are called Soc's. I know who Socs and Greasers are, just wanted to make sure you did. I was always more of...well I never actually thought of myself as a Soc or Greaser. I guess more middle class. I think I'm a Greaser now, though.
     Anyways, the gang and I were playing two truths and a lie. It was my turn and as I was thinking, I felt like two holes were burning into me. I turned around and saw Johnny look down, blushing slightly. I turned away and to keep myself from blushing I answered my question. "I quit smoking, I get good grades in school, and I had a dog." They all looked deep in thought. Ponyboy cleared his throat and said, " The lie is that you quit smoking. The other two are true." Ponyboy said, smiling. I smiled back and said, " Yeah, thats right, i havent smoked jn about a day though, since you guys found me." All of the gang smiled and then we went back to playing the game.
     After a few hours, I decided to go home. My dad wouldn't be home today anyways. Its "clubbing day," to him. "Guys, I think Im gonna go home," I said. They all looked down sadly, and Johnny looked angry and sad. "No, stay. We were just about to make some chocolate cake," Two-Bit said standing up, and grabbing my wrist. I smiled at him and said, "Ok, sure. Why not?" I walked back over to the guys, and sat beside Johnny. He blushed when our legs lightly touched or when I looked at him for more than a second.
     "Soooo, when are we gonna make this chocolate cake, huh?" I asked looking at the gang and they all stood up and went into the kitchen. "You two make it." Dally said, the gang agreeing and walking into the kitchen. "Well what does you 'two mean', Dally?" I said, the gang looking at Dally. "You n' Johnny." Dally said, winking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed Johnny's hand and pulled him into the kitchen. We got out everything we were going to need, and started baking the chocolate cake.
             1 hour later
     Johnny and I were icing our adorable, chocolate cake. The gang walked in and I saw Steve licking his lips. We all ate cake and when the night ended Ponyboy and Sodapop let me use there bed.
     "Johnny, are you still here?" I asked, not knowing if he went home or not. I heard light footsteps go down the hall closer the the Curtis bedroom I was in. I saw Johnny peek his head through my door and smile when he saw me sitting there, smiling back at him. "Will you sleep with me tonight, please." I said blushing deeply in the dark. He layed on the bed and grabbed my hand. That night I fell asleep, next to his warm side.

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