Attacked by the Chitauri

Start from the beginning

"Shields are holding still but they won't for long. We've lost our starboard engine and warp core. Our weapons are failing against them." Spock rattled off calmly as if he was giving a speech in a morning assembly.

I was about to retort when I saw something dark trickle down from Kirk's head. As I pointed it out to him, he dabbed his finger into the spot and brought it out to see it stained with blood." What the-" and he sprawled on the floor, unconscious.

"Jim!" came out both of our shouts as Spock jumped down to him and tried to stop the bleeding. I raced to help but another shock sent me flying backwards.

"Kirk! Dammit you need to wake up!" Spock shouted as he tried to shake Jim awake. It was the only time I saw him express emotion.

"Sir!" a frantic navigator called out." Our weapons are useless against them. Shields are falling. What do we do??"

"Shut up you!" Uhura snapped." Can't you see he's trying to wake the Captain? There is no one left to order."

I looked around the Bridge, each and every member trying to do their job frantically. Scared for their own lives as well as that of others, they were sparing no expense to do their jobs. But everything was out of order. In chaos. They needed someone to lead them. To supervise and protect.

And so someone shall they get.

"Yes there is." The words slipped out calmly." There's me."

Suddenly all the buzz stopped. Everyone looked at me in awe and shock as if how I'd even dared to say such a thing. But I knew this is not the time for these. Right now, we have to live.

I stepped up and sat on the Captain's chair and logged into the ship's mainframe." Status report, now."

"Shields are at 50% and decreasing. Multiple hull breaches in Decks 7 through 12. We've lost our starboard engine and warp core." Someone called out.

"Divert all remaining power to Port and forward shields and stand by." I ordered as I brought the ship heave to, removing the damaged starboard side to the other way.

The stub one-man fighters swarmed around the enemy mothership like a swarm of bees. Ray-shielded and modified, they used their speed to steer clear of our torpedoes. Phasers and cannons were ineffective.

We have to find a way to beat them.

"Uhura, check their transmissions. See if you can piggyback into their frequency."

"Got it!" She exclaimed." They are using a short-wave frequency to communicate with each other. The command isn't coming from the mothership, it's coming from them. It's like-"

"-like a swarm of bees moving in perfect sync and coordinating with each other?" I asked.

She didn't seem pleased to be interrupted." Yes."

"Mr. Hunter, are you suggesting that if we cut of the frequency, we can destroy the whole swarm?"asked Spock.

"No, I'm thinking of something a little more interesting."


General Katara Mersec of the Chitauri stood on the Bridge of her 1000-foot long warship, the Destructor, as she watched the tiny Federation ship struggling against the attacks of her fleet. Her army was too fast for torpedoes and missilies to lock on, and phasers were ineffective against them. She was pleased at the thought of her promotion when she would deliver this news to her Master.

" General their shields are at 50% and dropping. Engines are out of commission."

"Exterminate them. Nobody must be left alive."

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