"Go back to sleep, Bells." I said softly, she shook in my arms. She was definitely getting worse, dads getting scared and so am I.


The next morning was raining slightly, Bella still wrapped tightly in my arms slept hopefully dreamlessly

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The next morning was raining slightly, Bella still wrapped tightly in my arms slept hopefully dreamlessly. I watched the rain hit the glass and fall down making streaks on the window, I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:26, four more minutes and then I would have to wake her up. I had to go to Sam's house again today for whatever reason, he just said to meet him there. It must be about Nathan.

I stared at the clock as it ticked closer to the time Bella's alarm would go off, one more minute. I turned the alarm off then becasue I really didn't want to hear it this morning.

"Bella, it's time too wake up." I said, she groaned and opened her eyes. I left her room and went to mine to get dressed. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair before racing downstairs. I grabbed the keys and waited for Bella. I looked at my phone and saw I got a text.

'Hurry up, Anastasia.' Sam texted me, he started calling me my real name for some reason, I don't know.

'Just have to drop Bella off, be there in ten.' I sent back.

"Come on, Bella!" I called to her upstairs, I heard her come down while putting her jacket on. She went to grab the keys but saw they weren't there, I held the keys up, "remember our deal?" She sighed and walked outside.

I dropped her off and drove to Sam's, not really caring who saw me. I pulled up the driveway and went inside, I stopped when I saw some other boys that weren't Sam or Nathan.

"Sam!" I called while keeping my eyes on the strangers. Sam walked into the room looking stern as usual, "mind telling me what this is about?" I asked him while crossing my arms.

"They figured out you were coming here and demanded that they see you." He explained.

"Demanded?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She's not your mate is she?" One of the boy's asked with disgust, I rolled my eyes and turned to Sam, waiting for his answer.

"No, she's helping me with that Nathan boy. He had some information I needed to know." He told them with a sigh,

"Well it seems you've got the info now, so kick her out of here." The angrier looking boy asked.

"Actually the information had to do with her," Sam started, I smirked and sat at the table, I crossed my arms and my legs and waited for him to explain things to the boy's. Sam sat at the table as well, "Violet is apparently our queen...of sorts." He said, emphasizing the apparently.

This sent the boy's into a rage, asking question, shouting, the lot. I was quite amused actually, "shut it!" Sam yelled which made the room go silent. Sam sighed, "Nathan's grandfather supposedly could tell the future, he knew Violets real name and appearance." He shrugged. The boy's looked at each other in disbelief.

"Yeah, ah I don't believe that for a second." Said the older looking one. I looked into their minds finding their names becasue I really didn't want to keep describing them like that. The angry looking one was Paul and the older one was Jared.

Sam rolled his eyes and I just held my chin my hand, watching with interest, I love drama. "Why the hell would I joke when there's a bloodsucker involved, especially if it means she's our queen?" He said getting annoyed now.

The Jared shrugged as if agreeing to it being true, wow that was easy. "He is our alpha, isn't he always supposed to be right?" He asked.

"Not all the time, honey. Just most of the time." I said, I felt Sam glare at me but I ignored it.

"So what? Is she gonna be like our...alpha alpha?" Paul asked making me chuckle.

"We don't know, she'll probably just keep everyone in check." Sam said.

I scoffed, "What am I, your mother?" I sassed to which again he glared at me. Jared shrugged again, what's with these guys and doing the same of everything?

"I still don't like this." Paul said. Of course you don't, darling. Well guess what, neither do I.

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