Chapter 4 : mistake

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Elena's P.O.V

I know I made a mistake. Hanging up on Jesse Rogers is something no one does! I look out to the water. Smirking from what I just did, I get up and start walking back home. I was in a dancing mood for some reason. You know when you have this feeling when you just want to break out and dance but can't cause you feel a weird feeling at the same time. No? Just me? Okay.

I was walking by the dance gym that I use to attend to but quit cause I though I wasn't good enough. I heard a song echoing through the gym and I moved my hips to it a little. But quickly stopped as two guys walked pass me, entering the gym. Well that was embarrassing.

I'm halfway home when I see a black car pulling up beside me. Now if your like me, you'd know that if this ever happened you have two thoughts in your head. Run or die. So I  chose the best idea in this situation. Ran! I started running, knowing that if I didn't I would die. When I got to the cross walk it was on green so I couldn't pass. The black car was next to me and I didn't even stare over. Run or die. I kept repeating that over and over.  Just as the light was going to change this black car rolls their window down. I looked and it's Jesse freaking Rodger.

Elena: "what the hell jesse you scared the hell out of me"

Jesse:" well if you stoped running and said hi maybe you wouldn't have been scared"

Elena: "  i wasn't that scared"
I lied

Jesse: " really?"

Elena: "yes"

The car behind Jesse honked at him and Jesse looked at his review mirror and then at me.

Jesse: " get in sugar"

Elena: " no thanks"

Jesse: " I'm not asking"

Elena: " and I'm not taking orders"

Jesse: " listen sugar ima put this real nice and easy for ya, you earthier get in or I put you in.... your choice"

Elena: " try me"

Jesse: " okay"

Oh no, he pulled over. I saw him getting out of his car and looked me strait in my eyes.

Jesse: " ima give you one more chance here sugar, get in or I'll put you in"

Elena: " and ima give you the same response.... try me"

Jesse: ugghhh sugar, wrong choice.

He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.


Jesse: " if you say so"

I felt myself land on this leather type of seat and i knew that i was sitting in his car. Geez dose t he know when someone says no. A voice in my brain tells " no you idiot you said try me, not no!"

He got in the drivers side and he gives me a sweatshirt.

Elena: " no absolutely no "

Jesse: (rolls eyes) " sugar it's a damm sweatshirt  not like your boyfriend will mind"

Elena: " what! I don't have a boyfriend"

Jesse: " well now I know your single"

I felt my cheeks heat up.

About 20 min later we arrive at what seems at our destination. There's this big white champagne 2 story house in front of me.

Jesse: " I need to talk to you"

I look at him blankly and he looks at me, gesturing me to get off the car. Unlike him I got the message and I got off. He walks up to the door. The door was a two door modern looking door. He just walks in. I'm assuming that this is his house, considering that he just walked in not dining a bell or anything. He then walks into the kitchen.

Jesse: "  I'm starving" 

Are you serious, here I am with Jesse Rogers, taken by my will which when I last heard that was considered Kidnapping so yeah I just got Kidnapped by Jesse Rogers and he's starving!

Elena: " Look i have to get home so what did you want to talk about"

He peeked his head from the kitchen and told me to go in. I walked in and saw Jesse munching on yogurt and I think granola. With hot Cheetos in the side. Wow what a healthy snack.

Jesse: " I wanna talk about what happened on Thursday and who that guy was and if your single was he your ex and oh can you tell me his full name"

I gave him a look, I usually don't give people this look but he just made me remember everything. Thanks! Like I haven't been thinking about it all damm day!!

Elena: " okay so.........

Okay yes Ik ugghhhh cliff hanger!!! But who do you think is more sassy? Elena or Jesse? Comment! And thanks for all the reads! Even though it's a little bit I am grateful for what I have so thank you to those who are reading. Btw sorry for the late update, I'm a little sick so ya I'm sorry! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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