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I recommend reading this, it gives background on the characters. About their lives and who they are as people! At the bottom of their picture is an there is bolded and underlined sentences, it's the overall about them. There is 13 of them, so if you want to understand how some of them might know the others it's in some of their descriptions.

Hanna Neil

Hanna Neil

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Age: 19


Hanna Neil is a girl from Henderson Colorado, only she moved when she was two to live with her Mother and her boyfriend  (Which soon became her stepdad) in Manhattan. Only before this could even take place she became fast friends with those who she sees every summer and Christmas to see her Grandparents, since she was very young, growing up alongside her best friends. Being accepted into CSU after working hard in High School taking IB classes she finally got what she go back home and be with her friends and her family. Hanna never had issues of making friends, she also never dated. Scared it would tie her to New York City.


Bre (Brennan) Mink

Bre (Brennan) Mink

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Age: 19


Brennan Mink aka Bre was born in Henderson Colorado only moved around a lot in Colorado. She had a foster mother who she wasn't very close with. In fact, she and Hanna met at a summer program that Hanna's grandmother was in charge of. When she was little her foster dad wasn't around a lot since he was a truck driver, her foster mother was around more of the time since she was a substitute teacher. This, of course, changed when Bre's foster parents adopted her she was very happy and was glad to finally have a home. Things changed when her new parents brought in another child, her "sister". Her mother started to treat her unfair and rarely hugged her, she found family in Hanna and Amber. Hanna's grandparents, Aunt, and Uncle became her parents. Only she felt alone when Hanna wasn't around and Amber was too far to go see, so she became dependent on weed as well as boys....she then got her act together a couple months too late.

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