Special Guests

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(A/n: im still trying to update this story since my dad's death anniversary is coming up.)

Regina followed the group two the helicopter where DJ and Trent are doing first. "All you guys have to do is push these coaches towards your diver making a safe landing for them." Said Chris as Chef jumped off landing on the couch only to be crushed inside the mattress. "That is going leave one nasty mark." Said Regina getting Chef out of the death trap. She got the parachute off and folded it back in place and tossed it to Chris. "Now that's settled on first part of the challenge, the other two is riding the Canadian bucking moose under eight minutes, and dirt skiing." Said Chris showing the other challenges. "And whoever gets the most points will get to use this luxury shower." Said Regina showing a shiny new trailer with Chef wearing a pink dress playing the harp. "Can it be?" Said Heather in awe. "Oh it be." Said Chris then Regina heard a bull horn. "Whos that?" said Gwen looking Regina. She shrugged and went to the docks with Loki wagged his tail. There stood a naked man arguing at someone through the sliding glass door. Someone went from behind Regina and covered her eyes as the man turns around facing her. "Elliott put some clothes for crying out loud." said a voice that Regina knew who it was by the accent. "Thank you, Tristan." said Regina as someone laughed. Tristen still covered her eyes as Elliott jumped into the water with a man holding his phone laughing while opening the door. "You might want to get out before the sharks come. Mostly Big Jaws." said Regina as Elliott got back on the boat house rushing inside. "He is gone." said Regina. "Yeah sorry about that. You know El and his drinks. Good seeing you again." said Tristan hugging her from behind. Loki barked as the pups came over. "Loki my boy. Oh my gosh look at you. You got much bigger huh?" said Tristan getting his knees petting Loki and the pups. Regina laughed at him as the man hugged her too. "Hey Benny. What are you doing here? I thought i was getting a small package." said Regina looking up at him. "The boys and i were on tour for the BroFos. Tristan thought it would be better to stop by annd stay here for a week or two." said Ben. "Ok thats cool look i have to watch the challenge right now. Wanna join me?" said Regina as Demon barked at Ben playfully. "Why not. Ive seen this show with Nana." said Ben picking Demon up and scratched his belly. "Tris, come on let see who is going be screwed in this challenge." said Regina as Tristan gave her a piggy back ride. They got to the two teams in time for Chef to recover from the ski crash. "Is he the guy?" said Ben as Demon was nibbling on his finger. "Yeah. Just a heads dont mess with him. Hes crazier than me." said Regina as Tristan bounced her back in place. 

"Gigi whats going on here?" sais Lashawna walking towards them. "Tristan and his friends wanted to see me and dad." said Regina. "Oh the guy from social media. But how come Elliot didnt come?" said Gwen. "He is here. I just happen to see him naked from the back." said Regina. "I managed to cover her before she saw his front." said Tristan putting her down. "Let move it people. Im not wasting time for you to chat up a storm with these lame wanna bees." said Heather pushing her away from Tristan. Regina rolled her eyes and had a look on her face like light nulb went off her head. She ran a head of her stopping her and turned pulling her pants down to let out a loud fart at her direction. She pulled her pants back up and ran off with Tristan and Ben following her. "You are disgusting! I hope you get broken up soon." said Heather coughing on how bad the smell was. "How can something so pretty be so nasty?!" said Lindsey pluggin her nose. "Her fart isnt that bad compared to Owens." said Trent. "Thats true my aunt Helen farted on thankgiving once and we had two turkeys for free during hunting season." said Owen then saw Duncan glaring at Tristan. "Guys. Duncan is being scary again." said Owen. The guys looked at what he was mad about and saw Tristan rough housing with Regina laughing. "Dude theres nothing to worry about. Theyre just friends. Trust me Regina told me about him before he met Philips." said DJ pattinf his shoulder. Duncan breathed through his nose and went to the couch to sit on. Dj strapped on the parachute and went to Regina. "Hey Gina. Look you might wanna talk to Duncan. I think hes ready to blow any minute. No joke." said DJ. Regina stopped and looked at Duncan looking pissed about something. "I got it. Tristan i have to go do something real quick." said Regina as Tristan nodded. 

She rushed over as Chris took off with DJ and Trent in the helicopter. "Hey." said Regina hovering over Duncan from behind the couch. "Arent you going with your good looking friend?" said Duncan. Regina walked around the couch and sat on his lap kissing his cheek. "Dont be jealous. We have a brother and sister relationship thats it. If you want i can let off the whole no touching or kissing thing and share the same bed as you. No sex by the way." said Regina making Duncan smirk.  That can work." said Duncan kissing her neck. Regina squeaked as Elliott screamed from inside the boat. "Gigi, one of Loki's kids bit Elliot on the dick." said Tristan. Everyone bursted out laughing at this as Regina ran to the boat with First aide while Neva was following her. "Im starting to like this guy already." said Duncan wiping away a tear from laughing so hard.

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