First Challenge

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After everyone were getting dressed into swim suites Regina walked to the mess hall. "Hatchet you there." She said walking to one of the tables and sat down. Chief opened the door looking around and spotted Regina. "Oh hey baby girl. What's the going on its been a long time?" Said Chief sitting across from her. "Nothing much was happening at the foster home except that the kids said good bye to me and got my tattoos bone over my markings then got this yesterday." Said Regina handing the letter to him. Chief looked over shaking his head then gave it back.

"That man has no to treat a kid like that and i know how to make you better hold on." Said Chief entering the kitchen and came back with a can. "Here ya go and I got a bunch in the far back." He said passing it to her. Regina opened the monster drink and took a sip. "Thanks Chief I needed that and I better head back to make sure nobody didn't piss Loki off." Said Regina got up and gave Chief a quick hug. "Be sure you make it to the safe zone when ya jump from the cliff." Said Chief. "Got it. See ya Daddy Hatchet." Said Regina walking out with a can monster in her hand. "Bye baby girl." Said Chief.

Regina walked up to the cliff where everybody was at and stood next to Chris. "For your first challenge all you need to do is jump from this down to the two zones. The safe zone and other is man eating sharks. Since Regina here doesn't have a team. The losers will get have an extra member or whatever camper is voted off. Now who would like to go first?" Said Chris. No one didn't go and there was silence. "I might as well get dumb shit over with." Said Regina taking her oversize sweater off including her shoes and tossed it towards Loki. She walked toward where the killer bass were and did a running start towards the cliff then jumped off. Landing in the safe zone and then Bridgette went after including a few members.

Regina saw the other team jumping off then started laughing at Harold who landed on his balls. After that she saw Lashawna and Heather fighting over who is jumping. Regina did a very loud whistle. Loki lifted his ears and run towards the girls and jumped on Heather's back making her fall off the cliff and landed on the safe zone. Regina,Gwen, and Duncan started laughing their ass off. "Regina! I'm going to destroy you and your stupid mutt." Said Heather. "At least he made you land on the safe zone. Didn't he." Said Lashawna then jumped and landed safely. "That's my Loki come here boy." Said Regina.

Loki barked twice and jumped off landing in the safe zone swam towards the shore. "Thank you Gigi and Loki. I almost close to throw her off the cliff." said Lashawna standing between her and Duncan. She took a slight glance at Regina's back, "Now that's what I call a sick ass tattoo." she said. "Thanks Coco. It did hurt like a bitch but only to cover you know." said Regina. "Oh I understand now." sad Lashawna. "Nice dragon it totally represents your self." said Duncan. "Tha-" Regina didn't get to finish because of the huge wave knocking everyone down. She tried getting up from something hard yet soft ground but it turns it was Duncan holding her. "You mind letting go of me." she said.

"Nope I'm good in this position." said Duncan smiling. "Fine but Loki won't hesitate rip your balls clean off." said Regina. Duncan held his arms to the side in surrender then got up. "Well I'm changing and if anyone needs me i'm heading to the mess hall." said Regina walking toward the girls cabin while Loki headed to the woods. After taking a shower and gotten dressed Regina walked into the mess hall and grabbed a tray. "Hey Daddy what you got for me." She said. Chief put a lasagna with mashed potatoes, "There you go and I got bones and homemade biscuits for Loki in the back kitchen." said Chief. "Thanks and if you need a favor. You know where to find me." said Regina sitting down and took a bite of her sandwich.

After a while everyone ate the slop they had to eat and talked about who to vote off. "I don't get why we lost they're the one with six chicks." said Ezekiel. Regina snapped her head towards him. "Gina." said Gwen in worry. Regina looked her with an evil smile and snapped her fingers. Loki sprinted off to the cabin. "What was that?" said Eva slamming her fist on the table. Regina got and whispered something to her ear then Eva did same to Bridgette. the girls backed off and whispered to everyone. "What happening ay." said Ezekiel in worry. "Your about to find out. in about three seconds." said Gwen while Chief closed the gate to the kitchen window. Loki came back with some glove and gave it Regina while she cracked her knuckles.

Regina put the gloves on then tackled Ezekiel throwing a few punches then did a Fishermen's Suplex (Imagine her being WWE Paige) on the hard wood floor and kneed him in the gut a couple of times until the DJ and Duncan pulled her off but she sent a hard side kick to Ezekiel's jaw. "Calm your tits sweetheart. He had enough for tonight." said Duncan as him and DJ let go of her."He's lucky that didn't Loki to attack him." said Regina then snapped her fingers to the kitchen. "I need a minute or two to calm down." She said heading to the girl's cabin. She grabbed her black bag with foldable drum set and played it at the woods until someone gets voted off.

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