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If you don't recognize any of the characters on the gifs, here's a cast list for you:


Kane Baier | Nick Robinson
Keaton Bevan | Josh Hutcherson
Kayden Mace | Mitchell Hope
Cole Harding | Alexander Ludwig
Chase Gibbs | Cody Christian
Myles Blatt | Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Bailey Calkins | Dylan O'Brien


Jennifer Baskin | Jodelle Ferland
Maisy Burleigh | Billie Lourd
Lindsey Hartline | Willa Holland
Leigh Baisden | Shailene Woodley
Kaitlynn Scala | Amanda Leighton
Hayley Trask | Sasha Pieterse
Leah Perrotta | Olivia Cooke
Spring Emmett | Katherine McNamara
Kelsie Sturdivant | Paige Hurd
Candice Bagley | Emily Bett Rickards
Whitney Hollinger | Isabelle Fuhrman

The Voice (rewriting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora