send niconii nudes!! Chatroom #19

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10.00 am ~ send niconii nudes!!

Honoka changed the group name to HonkMyHorn

Kotori: What does that mean?

Honoka: I have NO idea...

Umi: Then why did you change it to that?

Honoka: I don’t know... I just got dick and tired of seeing ‘send niconii nudes’ every time I click on this chat.

Honoka: Oh crap! Holy crap! I did not mean to type that! I swear I meant sick!!

Kotori: Honoka...

Honoka: She’s after me isn't she?

Kotori: yep and with her arrows too.

Honoka: the metaphorical love arrows?

Kotori: Nope. The real ones.

Honoka: gotta run bye!

Rin: what’s metaphorical mean Nya?

Kotori: I’ll explain later, I have to restrain Umi from killing Honoka again.

Rin: Metaphorical... like meta as in robot? Is it a type of robot?

Hanayo: no, it means something that does not literally mean that thing and can mean another thing.

Rin: huh? I don’t get it Nya.

Hanayo: It’s hard to explain...

Rin: why don’t you come to my house and explain it~? Nya.

Hanayo: will do.

Honoka: Woah! The babies are growing up!

Umi: They are one year younger than us...

Honoka: they still feel like babies to me!

Umi: you feel like a baby to me too.

Kotori: burn. :)

Honoka: Are you guys ganging up on me?

Kotori: No. We’re not ganging up on you...? :)

Honoka: why did you type a question mark?

Kotori: My finger slipped...? :)

Umi: in other words, yes we are ganging up on you.

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