Private ☆ 31

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Bryan has received a message from Dad


Dad: Gonna be honest here, are you dating Drew?

Bryan: Yes Dad, we're dating.

Dad: Even though I think you're making a mistake, I'm gonna support you.

Bryan: Thanks Dad means a lot.

Dad: You wanna have lunch tomorrow? After I get home from filming?

Bryan: Uh I can't, I have a meeting, Drew wants me to move into his apartment.

Dad: Okay, You're already moving in?

Bryan: Drew talked me into it 😊

Dad: You aren't selling your apartment are you?

Bryan: I was thinking about it, my lease is almost up anyway.
Never really had much stuff in that apartment anyway.

Dad: Okay kiddo, just don't get hurt.

Bryan: Why does everyone keep saying that!
I'm capable of taking care of myself!

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