Private ☆ 19

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GC Usernames: Chris E (Cap), Scarlett (Black Widow Baby), Robert (Mr. Stank), Elizabeth (Lil Olsen), Chris H (Hammer), Sebastian (Metal guy), Anthony (Wings), Jeremy (Archer), Tom (LoKey), Mark (Dr. B)


spiderboy has joined Avengers ASSemble


Mr. Stank: So, we gonna discuss the fact that you hanging out with your ex?

Cap: Wait What?

Metal Guy: Bryan posted a picture on Instagram having coffee with Drew, then Drew posted a picture with Bryan.

Cap: Oh my god.

spiderboy: Hello to you too!

Black Widow Baby: Bryan, please tell me you didn't get back together.

spiderboy: We didn't get back together.

LoKey: We should let him explain before jumping to conclusions.

spiderboy: Thanks Tom
spiderboy: Drew and I talked, we've decided to put the past behind us and try to be friends...

Hammer: Kiddo, please don't get hurt...

spiderboy: Thanks but I don't need you all protection.

Archer: Still doesn't explain why you didn't tell anyone of us.

spiderboy: I knew you would try to talk me out of meeting him and I didn't want that to happen.

Dr. B: Just be careful.

spiderboy: Always am!

Meant To Be || Cameron Monaghan ✓Where stories live. Discover now