Part 9

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"Alrighty guests! Make sure to stick with your designated partners and don't stray from the group! Today's activity is kayaking! Ooh! Exciting right?"

Bucky was assigned to be your partner and the tension between you two was so thick that you could cut a knife through it.

"Excuse me but would it be alright to switch partners?" Steve, who was partnered with Loki, asked.

The activity adviser sharply turned to face him with an unfaltering smile. "No," she said with a very strict certainty in his voice.

Steve pursed his lips and nodded.

Loki put his hand on Steve's shoulder. "Don't worry, Mr. Rogers. I'm sure we'll have loads of fun together."

"I definitely don't doubt that. I just want to be with Y/N since-"

"Since she's scared of the ocean," Bucky interrupted, "but she'll be fine with me, Steve. You know she's in good hands."

"Oh, the more he has to worry," Loki muttered incoherently.

"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to sit this one out?" Maria asked.

"I'll be fine as long as we all stay close together."

"That's right! Now everyone please put on your life vests before getting in your kayaks."

You took a deep breath and collected all the courage you could muster up.

Bucky was already sitting in the kayak, but noticed that you were nervous, "Hey, look at me. You'll be just fine. I promise that I won't let anything happen to you." He held his hand out to you with a comforting smile.

You nodded and took his hand. You stepped into the back seat of the kayak and said, "My life is in your hands now, Mr. Barnes."

He rolled his eyes with a smile and handed you your paddle.

Thirty minutes passed by and there were dark clouds in the distance. It worried you, but you were advised not to let it bother you and just enjoy the activity.

"If you look to the left of our group, there is a pod of dolphins swimming past! Say, 'hi dolphins!'" the advise said through a megaphone.

You watched as the grey sea mammals bobbed up and down the waters. Their skin reflected light and made them look so shiny. The water they expelled from their blowholes was carried in the breeze and felt nice against your skin. Suddenly the mist turned to rain drops and everyone looked around to see that the grey clouds moved in. It began to drizzle lightly and the adviser said to quickly, but cautiously make your way back to the cove.

The group was in panic and you felt a bump on the side of the kayak. You looked over to see a dolphin nudging it, "Shoo! please don't push us like that!"

"Scram, you dumb fish," Bucky said.

It bumped your kayak yet again, but just hard enough to nearly tip it and drop your paddle into the choppy water.

You tried to grab it again, but it was already being pulled away by a current.

"Y/N, be careful!" Steve yelled from his kayak.

You started to have a panic attack and Bucky started to row harder, "It'll be okay, Y/N. I can row us back. I promise you that you'll be safe."

"Bucky, I swear if she gets hurt, you're going to end up at the bottom the ocean!" Maria yelled.

"Everyone just stay calm. Yelling won't make any difference," the adviser said, "just proceed to the shore accordingly and all will be alright."

The waves became bigger and the group got farther and farther ahead. Bucky became frustrated rowed as fast as he possibly could with the cold rain beating down on you.

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