Part 1

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You watched as Loki filed through your paperwork to approve your department transfer without even a word being spoken or eye contact being made.

An almost deafening silence pierced your ears as millions of unsaid words stayed trapped within the recesses of your mind. You wanted nothing more than for this moment to end. The longer you sat there the longer his detrimental actions played out in your brain. It had already been two weeks since you ended things with Loki and moved back in with your friends. The fresh wound of a break up was simply unbearable. Just when you thought you couldn't take it, he stopped right before signing the last line and looked up at you.

"Please, Y/N. Would you please just reconsider this one more time. I love you, Y/N and you know that. Why can't we talk this out?" Loki now got up from his seat and knelt down next to you.

You refused to look him in the eye, "Nothing you say will change my mind, Loki. You've done quite enough damage already. Now you'd better step away before I file a sexual harassment claim."

This retort seemed to really hurt him as he hesitated before heavily sighing then proceeding to sign the final line. He handed them to you yet gripped the papers and asked you once more, "Are you completely positive that this is what you want to do? I love you. Don't walk away from me or you'll regret it."

You rolled your eyes and tugged the papers out of his grasp, "One hundred percent sure and if anything, it'll be you regretting losing me. Have a wonderful day, sir."

You felt his sad gaze hold onto you for as long as he possibly could before the door to his office close behind you. You wouldn't allow him to have a hand on your emotions any longer yet you felt hot tears drip down your dry cheeks to your own dismay.

Once you got home and threw off your heels you slumped down on your couch and screamed into the cushion. So many emotions inundated you once you realized the gravity of your situation.

"It all went well then, I presume?"

You lifted your head to see Natasha sitting at the kitchen table alongside Wanda and Maria. You pouted and curled into a ball.

Wanda sat next you on the couch and patted your butt, "It'll be alright Y/N. Loki never deserved you in the first place. He'll regret not cherishing you."

"I never really cared for him much anyways. He was always getting in trouble, and we'd have to clean up after him at the office." Maria said matter-of-factly while she downed a glass of white wine.

"Well," you sat up and rested your head on Wanda's shoulder, "that's what I loved about him. He was always unpredictable and always surprised me with gifts or romantic getaways. I really thought that he would end up being the man I'd marry."

Nat scoffed, "You can do way better than him. I mean it's not likely that the next man you date will be a successful millionaire but personality and looks wise, yes."

You rolled your eyes and grinned at Nat's unnecessary commentary. "I don't need someone with money-"

"I wouldn't mind it." Maria raised her hand as she interrupted causing our group to collectively shoot a judging look in her direction. "What? Would you pass up an attractive, rich man?"

"Maria, I thought you weren't into materialistic guys like that," Wanda added.

She shrugged, "It's a dog-eat-dog world, ladies."

Nat took the glass from Maria's hand and put it in the dishwasher with Maria putting up a bit of a fight, "She's just tipsy, don't listen to her. How about we all go to the club and have a night out to cheer up dear old Y/N?"

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