Part 7

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The next week seemed to go by so slowly. Everyone was busy trying to get an entire two weeks of work done so that they wouldn't have to make it up afterwards. The only interaction you had was brief and seemingly awkward conversations with Bucky.

After that night, interactions between the two of you were as frigid as the waters in Antarctica. You could tell that he regretted sharing such personal information without a boss filter on his mouth but you so desperately wanted him to continue sharing with you. You wanted to know what he was feeling, what he was thinking. You just wanted to know who James "Bucky" Barnes really was. Still, you knew that getting to that point would be like attempting to climb Mt. Everest without any gear so you gave up on that.

Now you were gathered with your roommates at the flight gate. Few of your coworkers, including Steve and Bucky who were wearing the outfits you helped pick, already arrived and were waiting patiently for the plane to arrive. You were relieved to find that there weren't any signs of Loki as of yet. Knowing him, he'd probably arrive in the most dramatic way possible.

"Stay safe, alright! I'll see you back here on Thursday," Nat said as she released Maria and yourself from a tight embrace, "don't take drinks from strangers and try not to punch Loki."

Pietro patted your head gave you a strong one armed hug, "Wanda sends her regards, she had classes to go to. But Maria, please watch for Y/N. You know she's boy prone."

"I promise that I will protect our little bean," Maria put her hand over her heart and raised her other, "scout's honor."

You rolled your eyes and hugged Pietro, "Haha you guys are so funny. The only guy I plan on spending my time with is Steve."

All three of them shared the same questioning look.

"After what Bucky said to you last week? How will you keep yourself, being the instigator that you are, from starting any drama?" Maria asked.

You huffed and put your shades down, "If I do start anything with Bucky, I promise that I will pay for a 3 course dinner at May's. You guys should get going now. I know that you have physical therapy in an hour, Pietro."

You said your goodbyes and took a seat, joining the rest of your coworkers. Maria went to the bathroom with a group of girls to do their makeup and probably smoke for a bit in the designated area.

Steve smiled at you and winked. You smiled and waved at him until your gaze drifted to Bucky to the right of him who was peacefully asleep. He looked so peaceful and it made you blush thinking about the one time you were able to wake up next to him.

Your train of thought was interrupted by the shadow of someone standing in front of you. You looked up to see Loki staring down at you with a toothy grin.

"My my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? How have you been, my dear Y/N? How long has it been? Three months? How's your new department? Who are you working under now?" He just kept firing questions at you, giving you no time to answer.

Being in his presence instantly sent you back and made you feel weak, "H-Hi, Loki... yeah it's been a while. I'm, uh, working under-"

"Me. She works for me now," Bucky said. He placed a hand on Loki's shoulder and pulled him back, "Stay away, Loki. Can't you see you're making her uncomfortable."

"Oh, Mr. Barnes. How delightful to see you again. I hope you're not treating Y/N too harshly. She's not like that shrew Janet because she works hard. Well, when she worked for me, that is. She was once mine, you know? In both senses, if you know what I mean?" He nudged him and winked.

You clenched your clothes and looked down to hide how hurt you felt to hear him say such a thing. Bucky must have noticed because he grimaced and began to squeeze Loki's shoulder.

Steve read the situation and interjected before anything became of it, "Loki! Why don't I help you get checked-in. I doubt you've checked in yet." He pushed Loki along towards the check in counter.

The air felt immediately better and you allowed yourself to breathe.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" He knelt down and held your hand. He looked at you with concern very present in his tone.

You nodded and then immediately changed your mind then shook your head, "I really thought I could handle this, but I don't know if I can go on this trip. He gets in my head so easily and it just-"

"Hey, it's okay. Look at me, there are going to be plenty of people at the retreat who will keep him preoccupied. You don't have to worry about him. Come on, doll, it's too late to back down now," he sat next to you and pulled you in for a hug.

"What's this I see? The cold left arm of the company has a heart? How weird," Maria returned with a quizzical expression.

"I'm on vacation mode for an entire week, Maria. I couldn't care any less about my reputation."

"Oh, you called me Maria? Well, I'd like to kindly ask you to step the fuck back, Bucky. You see, Y/N isn't a toy. You can't play with her, drop her behind your bed and forget about her and play with her after finding her again."

Bucky sat back and crossed his arms, sticking his tongue to his cheek, "Maria, what exactly do you think I was just doing with Y/N."

"Obviously you were-"

"No, Maria. Obviously nothing. I was comforting your friend who Loki just attacking her with questions in your absence."

"Oh- I- I'm sorry. Natasha has me on high alert and I kind of assumed that, because of your history, you were-"

"You assumed I was trying to make a move on her, I know. But you should know by now that I'm not like that, Maria. My feelings for Y/N are," he hesitated for a moment, "completely platonic. But it's good that you were ready to defend your friend so easily. What a great quality to have. That's what makes you such a great Operations Manager."

"Would you at least stop interrupting-"

"Hey guys, I convinced Loki to drink at the bar for a bit so you're safe for now," Steve said as he passed right by Maria to take the seat on the other side of you.

"Even you, Steve? Et tu Brute?" Maria said, dramatically falling onto the adjacent seat. "Why have you been so quiet Y/N?"

She broke your blank train of thought not even realizing that you weren't paying attention, "Oh sorry I was just thinking about how fun this is going to be. Especially with what's in store for us."

Steve grabbed your hand, "I agree. This trip will be absolutely perfect."

Bucky saw this interaction and deliberately tried to ignore it by engaging in another conversation, "I wonder what Stark has in store for us. The place that he booked us is apparently one hottest getaways in the world. It's pretty extra, even for him."

"It really makes you wonder how stressed he must have been," Maria said.

Steve pushed your head to lean on his shoulder, "Who cares? We get a whole week away from work, and we're not paying for anything. Dinner with this girl right here. That's what I care about."

You smiled and kept quiet. You really didn't know what to say.

The plane ride was quiet and nothing really too intriguing happened. Unless you count Maria's snoring.

Now the retreat was something worth talking about. It was extravagant. It was modern. It was the place where everything would change for you. The moment you arrived, it seemed that the red string of fate slowly started to pull you towards your true love.

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