Part 4

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"So Bucky, Y/N is your new secretary huh?" Steve asked as he spun himself around in Bucky's chair. "How you dealing with that?"

"Honesty dude, I feel horrible. I really like Y/N, but you know exactly why I can't date people from work. I-I just- I really don't want to say that I have trust issues, but it's the only thing I can think to explain it," Bucky said while lying down on his leather couch, making himself look like a therapist's patient.

Steve nodded and attempted to stealthily reply to your text saying hello. "It's okay, bro. I know your history. You've been burned before and you don't want it happening again. But are you sure this is what you want?"

"I don't think Y/N is anything like that she devil, but it's just that I'm scared. I feel that ignoring my feelings and not pursuing Y/N is the best option for me." Bucky rolled over to sit himself up and now faced the window which overlooked the sleepless city.

"If it's what you think will be better for you and the future of the company then I support your decision. We don't want another gold digging incident."

Bucky sighed and slouched over his legs, "Exactly, and she dated Loki, Steve! How can I be with someone who was with that moron? He'd throw a fit once he found out and go against everything I said during expansion meetings. It's already hard enough to get him to cooperate on a normal basis, so I don't need a reason to make the situation more difficult. Y/N probably must still be hurting over him cheating on her and I just added salt to the wound," Bucky looked over to Steve and saw that he was barely paying attention and texting someone, "Steve are you even listening to me?"

He put his phone face down and rolled over to me, "Yeah, I am. Y/N will probably be just fine. Just be ready for a whole lot of hostility coming your way. I know your 'professional Bucky' act is already harsh as it is, but I feel like you'll be extra harsh on her just to bury your emotions like treasure. Just make sure no one from HR hears anything, alright buddy?"

Bucky rolled his eyes and gave Steve a light punch in the shoulder with a grin. "I'll be careful. I know what I'm doing. I just have to bare my teeth and get over her."

Steve smiled and put his hands on Bucky's shoulders, "That's the spirit, man! Now I have to get going, I've got a video call meeting with Stark and you know how that always goes."

They got up and gave each other a friendly pat on the back. With that Bucky sat back at his desk to continue working and Steve left his friend with the intent to speak with you before his meeting.

"Shouldn't you put your phone away while you're working, miss?" Steve asked with a grin.

You glanced up from your phone to see Steve and smiled. "I like the risk. Bedsides, it's not like anyone is going to clock a secretary for being on their phone." You gave him a little wink, and he shook his head.

"I guess you're right. But did you need to text me while I was in there with Bucky?"

You shrugged with a cheeky grin plastered on your face, "Just as I said, I like the risk."

"You've got a great charisma about you, kid. I think you'll fit in just fine in this department."

"Grandpa Rogers, you're not harassing Y/N are you?" Maria came from behind you and rested her hands on your shoulders.

You looked up at her, and she looked down with a smirk. She leaned over to kiss your forehead.

"He was playing nice, Maria. Don't worry." You leaned against her hand.

Steve crossed his arms with a goofy grin and raised a brow. "You're not marking her as your territory, are you Ms. Hill? I didn't know you were into women as well."

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