We've Got A War To Win

Start from the beginning

"Koga? hahahaha!!! you mean that worthless ex-human? oh please, it's true he told me to find and kill Kano but, I don't listen to people like him, once I'm done here, Koga is next and I'll show him who's going to be the ruler of the two worlds."

Ronin frowned when Suske said this and he then said to him.

"I won't let that happen, I defeated you once and I can do it again."

"Ohh I'm so scared~ NOT! face it Ronin, a long time has passed since we fought against each other, time stood still for me when I was still sealed away, meanwhile, you've gone a bit grey and maybe some of your demonic powers have weakened."

Suske chuckled and then he got his poison at the ready. Raiden stood at a fighting stance and he then spoke up.

"Here he comes! get ready!"

Ronin nodded his head in agreement and then their fight began. Back inside the castle, Kano and Kino were struggling to get to the sword since the rubble has blocked the path that was leading to it.


Kino grabbed my hand and he helped me climb on top of another pile of rubble and he then spoke up.

"This ridiculous, are we even close to the sword."

"I know it's annoying but, this is not the time for complaining, we need to keep moving, I don't know how much longer Raiden or Ronin can last against that snake."

Kino sighed in defeat and he nodded his head in agreement.

"You're right, sorry."

"No need to apologise."

I said with a smile and I then looked in front of us and thankfully the rest of the pathway wasn't blocked. I sniffed the air and I knew that there was something wrong. Kino also sensed it as well and he then said to me.

"Something isn't right."

"I know, come on and keep your guard up."

I said before I slid down the rubble with Kino following me. As we continued on the path to the sword, I could sense the fighting above us and I was a bit worried. Kino placed his hand on my shoulder and he then said to me.

"Don't worry about Ronin-sama and your boyfriend, they'll be fine, they're both strong."

"I know but still I- WAIT A MINUTE!! did you just say that Raiden is my boyfriend?!"

I shouted angrily and then Kino said to me.

"Well from where I'm standing, you two are inseparable and I saw the way how he protects you and how the two of you are staring at each other with those loving eyes, it looks like you two are in love to me."

I blushed bright red and I shouted.

"OK! First off! Raiden is NOT my boyfriend! second, he's only my best friend and we love to practise music! what's so bad about that?!"

"Nothing OK?! Sheesh, are you always this defensive when someone comments about the person you care about the most?"

I was going to say something but I then backed down because he did make a good point. Kino smirked at me and he then said to me.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"*Sighs* all right fine, I admit it, I might have a small crush on Raiden and maybe the others as well but, right now, I can't pick any of them to be my lover, at least...not yet, not until all this mess is dealt with."

Kino understood this and he then said to me.

"I understand, but, if you can't decide between my brothers, the Mukami brothers, the founders or that half-breed, you know where to find me."

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