"Burst open and Mix." Said Vegeta as he closed his fist and the white ball stopped high in the air and expanded and shine some light on on the Saiyans.

Vegeta and Nappa body began to change. They began to grow brown fur and their mouth was starting to have long snout with sharp teeth. Their tail's began to get bigger as well. Their eyes have become glowing red. Once the transformation is complete, they were as tall as the rocky cliffs. They turn into their Great Ape Forms

 They turn into their Great Ape Forms

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"Haha. THIS IS THE END FOR YOU!!" shouted Vegeta.

"A Great Ape? A monster!!" Said Goku 

"Let me tell you something before you die. Saiyans in their Great Ape forms have powers ten times greater than normal!" Said Vegeta as he try to slam his fist on the heroes but they move away just in time to avoid it.

"So what? Just because your big doesn't mean you fast too." Said Sora as he was holding Mikoto in his arms to help her dodge the attacks.

Sora was proven wrong as Nappa did a fast flying kick at Sora and Mikoto. Sora and Mikoto were sent flying and spinning out off control. They then crashed a few miles away into the ground.

"Okay. I take it back. They are fast." Said Sora as he and Mikoto were starting to get back up.

"What just happen." Asked Mikoto.

"I think that white ball that Vegeta launch in the air must create artificial moon light for him and Nappa to transform."

"Great. Do you have any ideas of how to beat them?" Asked Mikoto

"Well, I just got the one idea. Play fire with fire." Said Sora. "Or in this case, Great Ape vs Great Ape."

"Are you nuts? We don't know if you can control your Great Ape form. IF you can, then do you really think you got a shot?" asked Mikoto

"Its worth a shot." Said Sora. Sora then began to look up at the white ball. His body began to change too. His height was increasing to the size of rocky cliffs. There is a difference though, instead of brown fur, Sora fur and his tail were now golden fur. His clothes didn't fall off during the transformation.

"Sora?" Asked Mikoto as the Great Ape Sora look down at Mikoto. "Are you still there?" asked Mikoto.

Sora moved his tail to Mikoto and gave her a gentle tail nuggy. "Those that answer your question?" asked Sora.

"Yep. Now go kick so evil alien butt!" said Mikoto. Sora nodded at Mikoto.

Sora then did a huge jumped that sent him back to where the fight his. He landed on Nappa and surprise him. Sora then a tons of punches at the back of Nappa head.

"This looks important!" said Sora as he grabbed Nappa tail. Nappa began to roar in pain. With one powerful pull, he pull out Nappa tail. Nappa began to shrink back to his normal form.

"What?! I am an elite Saiyan. I can't be defeated by a low class Saiyan!" said Nappa before Sora picked him up.

"Oh be quite you!" Said Sora before releasing a energy blast from his mouth. The energy beam erased Nappa fully.

Vegeta look back to see Nappa lost. "Darn it. Nappa lost. What an idiot." Said Vegeta.

Vegeta didn't have time to react as Sora did flying punch at Vegeta mouth. Vegeta took a few steps back to recover from that sneak attack.

"You just got lucky there. Don't think you can beat me. You must be a more a fool than you think!" Shouted Vegeta as he and Sora got into a lock of fist and kicks doing damage to each other.

While Vegeta wasn't looking, Krillin had formed a yellow saw blade in his hands. 

"Destructo disc!" Shouted Krillin as he the disc cut right through Vegeta tail

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"Destructo disc!" Shouted Krillin as he the disc cut right through Vegeta tail. Vegeta stop his fist and kicks to feel that his tail had just got cut off. Vegeta's tail fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Alright!" said Krillin

"Darn it! MY TAIL!!!" said Vegeta as he shrunk back down to normal size. Vegeta was panting really hard right now. He pulled out a small remote and his space pod landed next to him

"Your not getting away." Said Krillin. But he was stop but Mikoto, who got back just in time to stop him form doing a bad mistake.

"Why are you stopping me?" 

"Krillin. It's okay." Said Goku as he was laying on the ground on his back. "Next time, I will beat him, on my own. Thank you." Said Goku. Mikoto nodded at him.

Vegeta pod started to fly into the sky and back into outer space. Leaving Planet Earth alone for a while.

While he vanish, the white energy ball slowly disappeared. Sora then return back to normal size. Sora made the biggest happy smile to his sister. They both fist bump each other. They were then surrounded by a white light, returning them back to the Time Nest.


To Be Continued..................

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