Chapter 3

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Elizabeth couldn't remember running like that in her entire life. Despite the weight of the water and the fact that she could no longer feel her fingers and toes, she sprinted towards the dot of where light in the distance. As she ran, to her utter delight, it got bigger, and bigger, and the water around her grew bluer and clearer until...

Spluttering, she stumbled out from the water, somehow still dry as she fought to catch her breath. She had pulled herself out of a clear, blue pond in the center of a pristine, green glade. And true to Master Sydney's words, she fell into his embrace. He was warm and smelled of cinnamon and charcoal. An unusual combination, but not an altogether unpleasant one. Especially when you had forgotten how it felt to be hugged.

She clung to the old man with the strength of someone who had just been pulled out of the tiger pits. The sunlight kissing her skin, enveloping her in a blanket of warmth, the sound of birds chirping from up above, the smell of clean, fresh air replacing the horrific sulfur stink she'd become accustomed to...

She heard someone weeping, and realized that it was her

"There now child, just breathe," Master Sydney said calmingly, rubbing her back as she wheezed and wept.

Elizabeth stayed that way for a long time, face buried in his shirt as she sobbed, overwhelmed with utter joy. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she pried herself out, and looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and soaked cheeks. "Thank you," was all she could manage.

"Shush. It was my pleasure," he told her, moving stray hairs from her face. "Nobody should ever have to exist in that nightmare; adult or child. Now, shall we head to Master Dabir's place?"

Elizabeth nodded again. But as she walked with him, she couldn't help but tense over her sword at every twitter of a bird, snap of a branch, and even a sudden increase in temperature. She knew she was being silly, she was free now, out of the reach of the monsters that works plague her all day and night in the realm to which she was accustomed.

As they approached the house, Elizabeth felt her eyes widen and her jaw dropped. Before her was a massive, pale green palace, decorated in white marble columns, white molding on the ledges of at least four hundred windows. To top it off, the whole thing was surrounded a massive, flower filled garden of every type of flower imaginable. Roses, daisies, tulips, lilacs, and even some Elizabeth had only seen in dreams of heaven.

"Yes," said Sydney, smiling at her incredulous face. "Nice, isn't it? Over four thousand square feet."

"It's..." no word Elizabeth knew seemed to quite fit.

As she stood there, staring at the garden and the gorgeous, giant you're that was just a bit smaller than your average castle, a pretty girl with golden braids in a green gown trotted up to them, white apron stained with dirt. "Master, is this... her?"

"It is indeed, Annalysa," the old man told her. "Elizabeth, meet Annalysa. She's one of Dabir's students."

Annalysa, who had to be about Elizabeth's age, squealed and clasped her hands in delight. "Oh, master, can I please be the one to dress her for tonight? Please please please?"

"Woah, hold on, what's tonight?" Elizabeth interrupted, more confused together.

Annalysa looked taken aback; "the party, silly! The one Master Dabir said we were throwing for you! We even bought you a dress, a brand new one!"

"Well, Annalysa, we have to keep in mind, this girl has just come from the closest thing to hell we have access to. She may be too upset to-"

"Let's see this dress."

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