I play fetch with a hellhound

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I wake up and go to breakfast. I gave a third of my plate to hades. Being the only hades child meant i sat alone. After i finished eating some bacon. I went to go say hi to kayla. But i couldnt find her
"Well"i thought. I went for a stroll on the forest. "Oh my gosh"i thought. In fromt of me was a hellhound. But it was shorter then me. O went to touch it. It growled. I grabbed a big stck and threw it. The hellhound chased after it. It brings it back. Whrn i try to touch it,it growls. I throw another stck. And i leave it. It starts following me. I stopped it stopped. I got closer and tryed to touch it. This time it let me. Its fur was soft. I peted its head and did the unthinkable. I climbed on top of it. And it let me. I petted it some more. It took me for a walk in the forest. I ended up sneaking it into ny cabin. Since it was near the woods. I snuck it in. I left to go find someplace with meat. But i coulfnt find any. "Darn" i said. "I should tell chiron" i thought. I walked aroind trying to find him. "Hi landon" someone said. I looked around. I saw kayla she had jean shorts on and a camp half-blood t shirt on. She was planting something in the dirt. "Hi"i said. "Do u know where Chiron is?" "Hes probbaly at the archery place" she said. I left her. And found chiron. "Chiron i have a problem" i said and lead him to my cabin. I ooen the door and sleeping their is my pet hellhound. He backs away slowly. "Its alright chiron, he likes me"i say. I go over to pet it. And it lets me. "What do i do with it?" I ask "we can put it in the woods" he suggests. I put a collar on fluffy and chiron gives ne a chain. I chain him up near my cabin. "No eating people" i say. And i leave

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