Prince Wilfred patted me on the head as I stammered.


Wilfred: "Don't get too interested in me."

Regina: "What?"

Wilfred: "Can I ask you take care of these flowers for me."

He smiled softly as lessening the trouble feelings that had started to grow within me. But I nodded my head.

Regina: "Of course."

(Well, he's a Prince.)

(I should only be thinking about how to repay him for his kindness towards me.)

I was absorbed in my thoughts until I heard a voice in my ear.

???: "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Regina: "Ack!?"

I looked around as I startled and I saw Claude standing there looking at me with a perfectly straight face.

Regina: "Claude... don't ever do that again..."

Claude: "My apologize if i startled you."

Regina: "No, it''s alright."

Wilfred: "I hear these flowers need attention?"

Claude smiled at Prince Wilfred's words.

Claude: "Yes, I immediately contacted the gardener for confirmation."

I looked at Claude's face as he spoke.

Claude: "l'll leave the repotting of the flowers to you."


Regina: "I see... thank you very much."

As I smiled automatically, but Claude's eyes drew into a cold glare.

Claude: "However, I will ask you not to touch any of the other plants here."

I was shocked into silence by his sharp tone. But I glared at Claude.

Regina: "You don't need to tell me what to do."

Claude shocked.

(Well, I'm sure it must be very valuable and it was an abrupt request on my part.)

Prince Wilfred had something to say.

Wilfred: "Claude, there's no need for you to get worked up over such trifles."

Claude: "Your Highness?"

Wilfred: "Surely it is okay for her to help out a little more if she wants to?"

Claude raised his eyebrows at the prince's words.

Claude: "Surely you jest. Just one of these pots is word several million crus alone!"

Regina: "What the! Several milion!?"

(But why several million.... so if I base on the price of a hamburger being roughly one Crus...)

Prince Wilfred laughed as I was struck dumb by the exorbiant number.

Wilfred: "Don't tell me, you would ask her to pay anything she breaks?"

For a moment, Claude seemed lost for words.

Claude: "Of course, I wouldn't."

Claude: "I never intended that I would ask her pay for anything if she broke it."

Wilfred: "Of course."

Claude: "However, I believe it best to leave such things to the gardener."

Be My Princess: Wilfred A. Spencer (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora