What do you prefer??

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Jade's POV

"Okay so who is gonna start?" I looked at Marcus and then to the rest.

"Should I start? So you know how it works?" I asked while looking at Mac and Tinus. They both nodded at me. "Okay, so Abigail, what do you prefer more? A month without your phone or the whole week wearing the same clothes to school?" I asked smiling at her.

"The whole week with the same clothes."

"Why?" Tinus asked confused.

"I can't live without my phone. My phone is my life. It is a miracle that I didn't became crazy already here." She answered smiling.

"Owh great, now there are 2 of you." He said rolling his eyes while looking at Mac and throwing his hands in the air. Mac started laughing and then Tinus started to join him. Abigail and I looked at each other. Is there something we missed?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked while looking at Tinus.

"Yeah, why are there now 2 of Mac?"

"I mean that Mac can't live without his phone too. He is always bussy on his phone and taking selfies and stuff." He said laughing at Mac while shaking his head.

"I'm not always on my phone..." Mac said and blushed. I think that Mac tried to defend himself. Probably because he is a little bit ashamed and doesn't want Abigail to know how addicted he is with his phone, but yeah it doesn't work.

"Owh come on. I never saw you so long without your phone." Tinus said and Abigail and I started laughing to.

"Okay, then I have to ask you this. Mac would you prefer a week without your phone or a week without Tinus?" I asked and looked curious at him while waiting for his answer. I seriously had to ask this. And I saw that I wasn't the only one cuz Abigail and Tinus were looking curious at him too.

"A week without Tinus." Mac answered while scratching the back of his neck and looking at us. I looked at Tinus and he tried to fake a hurt and sad face, but you could clearly see that he was faking it. He's not that good of a actor.

"Why?!" Me and Abigail asked at the same time surprised and confused.

"Okay, maybe Tinus was right. My phone is my life and my baby. And btw I can call and text Tinus." He said shrugging.

"No, you can't." We both slapped our forhead with our hand. "That's the point of this game."

"Owh....yeah, that's right....I still choose my phone." Mac laughed and we joint him.

"Tinus, would you prefer to have your first kiss with Abigail or with Jade?" Mac asked curious while smirking at him, then he winked at me. Tinus rolled his eyes at him but then became nervous.

Is it weird if I hope that he says my name? I don't really know what to do if he says Abigail. But it wouldn't surprise me. Abigail is so pretty and kind, but me....? I am just a ugly girl. Why did they actually kidnap me? There are so many pretty and beautiful girls out there. I think that they made a mistake by me. But my thoughts were interrupted by Tinus who was stuttering nervous.

"Uhm....I think with Jade...." He anwered nervous while looking down. But you could see that he was blushing. So did I. I can't believe that he said my name. I am so happy rn. I tried not to smile, cuz that would be embarrassing. I could see that Mac and Abigail smirked at us.

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