Doctor Marcia: Mark, you're out of time, any last sentences you would like to say before you go?

Mark: I love you Ethan.

I walk out of the hospital and go home I sit on the couch and set up the camera wanting to tell everything that's been going on.

Mark: Hey guys, I know this isn't my proper intro, but I have something serious to talk about. These last few days have been rough, I want to tell you now don't hate Ethan I don't hate him at all Amy started this all by lying to me and saying Ethan never liked me and was using me for views and money. I found out just yesterday that Ethan tried.. he tried.. a suicide attempt.

A tear rolls down my eye.

Mark: I saved him from drowning and I want you to know Ethan is starting to get better, And everybody who unsubscribed, subscribe again. For him please, I care about Ethan so much! So-so p-please.. have mercy on him. I don't know what I'm gonna do with Amy, Katherine isn't here she's with her family but she'll probably see this, so please, Don't hate Ethan.

I turn off the camera and start editing the video, My stomach growls, I've been editing for hours and I finally decide to eat some crackers, I lost appetite, I sit in the corner of my room and start crying hoping Ethan will be okay and Amy won't hate me and more thoughts going through my head. I hated what I have done and I felt like it was my fault, I begged Ethan to live in LA and now he is going through all of this, In the hospital, for a suicide attempt. I get something to hurt myself to pay for what I've done. I cut a heart into my arm. I hissed in pain, blood starts to drop onto the hardwood floor, and my tears follow after.

The next day.

Jack  POV

I walk up to Marks door we were supposed to film today I was so energized I still couldn't believe I moved to LA  just for this. I knock on his door. *Knock knock*

Jack : MARK!

I knock a few more times I then call his phone, no answer. I check around the house for any windows I see mark asleep in the corner with blood on the floor in his room I start to freak out and try and open the window it opens and I jump inside and wake up mark.


Mark: W-what?

Jack: y-you're bleeding you bled, what happened?

Mark: I-..

Mark starts to cry I go and get a glass of water for him he looked dehydrated.

Jack: "I" what?!

Mark: W-watch the video...

Jack: What video?!

Mark: on the c-camera.

I walk up to the camera and watch the video he uploaded to YouTube.

|| Time skip ||

Jack: Mark, I'm so sorry that happened I'm worried about Ethan too now. We need to go see him. Right now, you need to clean yourself up.

If I loved you, would you love me back? || Crankiplier Story 2018Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat