Chapter VIII: Meeting the whole pack

We all know that kindness rests in each human being's hearts, some even say it's a natural instinct. But not everyone was given generously with this kind of personality, some lacks of it while some recieved more than enough

Myunghee was one of those individuals who happens to recieve an enormous amount of kindness by the heavens from above. With this personality, kindness became her middle name

However, she didn't want it nor wished to have, though she's thankful to recieve such a thing but this gift that was lavishly given to her can sometimes be a burden too

Her kindness often gets out of hand that it comes to the point where others would take advantage of it, abusing her beautiful aspect. Though, she didn't bring it up that it was a burden to anyone at all

She doesn't even know if it is a gift or a curse...

Her kindness gradually increased as time went on, and she was completely aware on how broad this personality of hers have gotten. But she wasn't expecting that her kindness would be broad enough to reach these kind of situations, nor did she expect herself to do such things

She paused, trying to let all the things that have happened in one night sink in inside her with a deep breath

Sitting on her knees beside the bed, soft sounds of dripping water filled the room as her slender hands firmly squeezes the excess water from the towel after dipping it in cold water

Her hair was done up in a neat ponytail while her loose fringes were framing the sides of her face. It would also shift colours when light hits her well-cared locks, from golden brown to natural hazel, making it seemingly shiny

She wasn't wearing her trenchcoat, because it got soaked with a greenish-yellow substance that came out of Yoongi's mouth just a few minutes ago, leaving her in her pastel pink sweater

However, the thought of her coat getting ruined with someone else's digestive projectile didn't bother her. Her mind was set on making Yoongi feel better, and she knows that snapping about her coat getting ruined wouldn't bring much of a help for both herself and the boys

Jin and Taehyung were in the kitchen, cooking chicken soup for their drunk friend, which they mentioned that it was Yoongi's favourite

Myunghee told them that it would really help Yoongi to get something to eat, because with the large amount of content that he vomited can make him feel weak if ever he wakes up

Namjoon, on the other hand, remained in the room with her. He's currently in the bathroom in Yoongi's room, getting fresh new face towels that Myunghee took once he got back

He pushed up his classy round glasses that was slipping down the bridge of his nose, while his eyes watched her

With the damp cloth in hand, Myunghee wiped the remaining bits of greenish-yellow substance off of Yoongi's small lips and cheeks, some even got on his neck too

Putting aside the used towel and grabbing a fresh one, also dipping it in cold water and squeezing it after, she neatly folds it before placing it over on Yoongi's forehead, which she finds cute after brushing up his bangs

Her earthy pigmented eyes shifts from the towel down to his slumbering face, taking a few seconds to analyse his calm features

Instead of being flushed red, the pale-ish colour of his face returned, which Jin and the others told Myunghee that it was Yoongi's usual healthy complexion

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