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Chapter III: Snow White

A puff of cloud formed after the female let out a deep sigh, which shortly dispersed along with the icy breeze. Her uniquely pigmented eyes blankly stared at the vacant swing set within the empty play area in front of her, distracted with her thoughts clouding her mind

Half an hour have already passed since she encountered the drunken pale man, which almost made her soul leave her body, who just came out of nowhere. And here he is, laying down beside her, occupying the rest of the bench as he slept peacefully

He laid comfortably beside her; his body on the bench laying in a fetal position, while his head rested on the female's lap. He has his lips slightly parted, causing the scent of alcohol and nicotine reach the female's nose from every stable breath he makes, but she didn't recoiled

Her nose have already adapted the unfamiliar scent after almost spending half an hour with him. Oddly, she also find it quite soothing and slightly addicting since it was something new to her nose

Anyways, another puff of cloud formed as the female let out another deep sigh, which was for the hundredth time this past thirty minutes, as she leaned back on her seat. Her gloved hand pushed back the strands of her short hazel brown hair that fell on her face, combing through its natural waves, as her mind drifts from one thought to another

She delved deeply into her mind, finding and digging for the reason on why on earth did she even think of helping a stranger out, who's even drunk!

However, the only answer she could come up was her personality of being naturally kind and helpful to others. And she hated herself because out of every personality that God could give her, she receives this personality. She doesn't entirely hate it, though. There would come a time where she hates it

She has the personality of being overly kind to others and comprehensive, yet she's aware that her kindness exceeds from the limit of a person should only have. There would come a time where she has the option to say no, but thanks to her overly comprehensive mind, she ends up saying yes just to satisfy others. And that's what she hates about herself

Take her situation right now as an example: She obviously has the option to just leave the drunken man alone, which is now sleeping beside her, and would've been on her way home by now

However, her conscience wouldn't handle the thought of leaving him now that he needs help, and because of her curse-like-personality, she chose to stay

Clenching her teeth, she let out another deep sigh, but this time it was a sigh of either anger or frustration, as her hands lightly pulled on her hair

Angry, because she has once again dove herself into another mess, she doesn't even know the guy. And frustrated, because she's been thinking deeply on what to do with the guy, but couldn't think of anything accurate

She knows that on whatever this guy's problem is, she's not involved in it. But she also knows that he is her responsibility, at the moment at least, because it's her choice to stay and help him

Letting go of her hair, her unique pair of eyes fell onto the guy sleeping beside her. It's been almost an hour when they encountered each other, but she hasn't fully seen his face up until now

He has flawless pale skin, making his feminine-like-lips pop out and look a bit rosy. His black soft hair messily yet dreamily lay on his forehead, complimenting his beautiful skin tone. And even if his eyes were closed, she could still tell that they were small and cat-like

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