Chapter 29: City of the Gods

Comenzar desde el principio

“Come,” Finno chuckled, taking her hand and leading her forward. He gestured to where the building opened into a circular space, with a dome over the top. “This is where the poets meet and read their newest works.”

They took their seats at long pew-like benches made of a light wood. Eve sat between Káno and Finno, with Elenwë and Turvo to the right beside the latter, and to the left from Káno sat Nelyo, Tyelko, and Moryo. A particularly tall Vanya took the podium on the stage and cleared his throat.

“Good evening, ladies and lords. Tonight we have three poets for you.” He smiled and gestured to a shorter maiden with flaxen hair. “First we have the magnificent Elemmírë!”

Finno leaned over and whispered in Eve’s ear. “We are truly lucky tonight. Elemmírë is considered one of the greatest poets of the Eldar.”

“Really?” Eve looked at the woman taking the podium in surprise. “That's cool.”

Though she tried her hardest, even asked about it later, Eve could not recall specifics of the poems spoken there that night. She found them to be filled with joy and admiration for the world, glorifying Ilúvatar and his works. To her unpracticed ear, the poems all sounded equally good. But at the end, when they rose from their seats and left the Hall of Words, all turned to Káno.

“As always, Lady Elemmírë astounds,” he spoke, admiration dripping from his tone of voice. “She is a marvel to behold.”

“You should collaborate with her,” Nelyo urged as they walked through the night back to the inn.

But Káno shrugged. “I will not lie, the idea sounds wonderful. But I don't know what she would say.”

Eve rolled her eyes. “Oh come off it. What poet wouldn't want their pieces put to music. Especially your music, mister ‘gold-cleaver’.”

Everyone started laughing, and Moryo from where he trailed behind, though he snickered more than chuckled. Elenwë turned to Káno.

“I could try to introduce you. My father is friends with her mother; they grew up together.” She pointed back from where they came. “I'm sure Elemmírë would be delighted to meet you. You are both famous in your respective arts.”

Káno chuckled. “Very well. I would be delighted to meet her.”

“Good!” Elenwë grinned back at him. “While others go to the Trees, we will go to see my parents.”

They reached the inn once more and split up. Most retired to their rooms. Eve did so, falling asleep quickly. She found herself waking up early in the morning, when the world still slept and the sky stayed dark. But Elenwë woke too and, after dressing, together they made their way to the inn’s inner courtyard.

To Eve’s surprise, Turvo and Nelyo already sat in the courtyard. The redhead sat in one corner of a grey couch while Turvo sat across in a comfortable chair.  The silver glow of Telperion partially illuminated the area, causing the white marble floors to shine. Eve sat down next to Nelyo, Elenwë to her other side.

“Good morning,” Nelyo smiled softly. “Are you ready to see Valmar?”

“That's the city of the Ainur, right?” Eve asked quickly. When he nodded, she continued. “Definitely.”

Moryo and Tyelko walked in moments later with Huan not far behind, the former elf dressed in black and red, the latter wearing his usual greens and tans. They made their way over, chatting quietly. When they reached the other four, they stood by Nelyo’s side.

“Where is Káno?” Moryo asked. “And Findekáno, for that matter.”

Nelyo shrugged. “Káno at least should be here soon.”

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