Hell Would Be Better

Start from the beginning

I smiled to myself as I pulled my phone away and checked the time, noting it was 9am and finding it amusing that my brother was not only up before noon, but ready to go. It just exhibited how bad he felt and how much he was going out of his way not to irritate me by being late, and it warmed my heart a little. My heart then sank when I realized that the reason was because we were going to see my parents, because in my haste to get away from Zayn I'd agreed to go home early.

"Uggghhh I forgot I said we'd go today." I whined, throwing myself back onto my bed.

"Well...we gotta go eventually. It's only an extra day, and Mom is all excited."

"For the return of her golden prince, no doubt."

"Actually, I think it's Harry." He chuckled. "She seems overly concerned about what he likes to eat and shit."

"Ah yes, the Dean's nephew spending the holiday in the Tomlinson household, we must absolutely not make a bad impression." I rolled my eyes, Harry shooting me a look. "Either way, we know it's not my arrival she's eager for."

"I um...I think maybe I should warn you that she saw the article." He muttered, and I closed my eyes in an effort to pretend he hadn't said it.

"Of course she did."

"I told her to leave it alone and not mention it...but, it's Mom." He sighed. "But I'll call her on it if she says something, so will Dan and Rich."

"Dan and Rich know?!" I scoffed. "Great."

"Teej, nobody is gonna say anything. We just want you to be okay, that's all."

I sat up, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers as Harry reached up and gently began rubbing my back in comfort. I knew going home for thanksgiving was gonna be a nightmare in the first place, but thanks to Zayn he'd just made it 10x worse when I didn't think it was possible. My bitterness toward him resurfaced as I thought about just how much of a headache it was gonna be, and I knew my family was just the beginning.

"Alright just...be here in an hour. Harry and I will be ready." I sighed before we said goodbye and I hung up, throwing my phone down on the bed and looking over at Harry.

He'd heard enough of the conversation to piece together that everyone knew, and he knew me well enough to know how much I dreaded going home in the first place, so he didn't say anything. He just draped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him, kissing my head and soothingly rubbing my arm as he held me for a second.

"I hate my life." I groaned.

"Oh come on! You have me and your mom at thanksgiving. What could be better?" He grinned.

"Hell. Hell would be better." I chuckled. "Actually, that is exactly what I imagine hell to be like."

"Well let's get you a fireproof suit. Cause like it or not we're goin in, babe."

"I hate you." I laughed as I smacked him and crawled out of my bed. "Lou will be here in an hour, I gotta shower and pack."

We both hopped out of bed and started getting ready, taking our turns showering before we finished packing in our respective rooms, and I heard Louis arrive just as I was making sure I had everything. I could hear him and Harry and their overly excited "bro" greetings, laughing and shaking my head at them as I made sure I had everything and zipped up my bag.

I sighed as I took a few seconds to gather myself, trying to prepare myself for the next few days, doing my best to focus on seeing my brothers and hopefully enjoy some quality time with them. I threw my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my purse, opening my bedroom door as the quiet voices of Harry and my brother slowly came down the hall as they did their best to stay quiet.

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