Chapter 1

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MY FINGERS SKIP across the keyboard as I search VICAP for the one person I'm looking for; my target.

It would have been much easier if I had been able to do this from my current safe house; but there is one thing keeping me from that dream.

That reason is apparently named Penelope Garcia and with it looking like a rainbow vomited on her desk, you would expect that sweetness radiated off of the woman.

That I know for a fact is wrong because the woman is extremely territorial when it comes to her servers, leading me to infiltrate the heart of the FBI in order to get a measly name or two; not that I'm complaining though because a measly name or two can go a long way.

My lips curl into a smirk as the ugly mug of my target pops up on the screen.

His full name, his address; hell, even his social security number pops up.

Hiding in plain sight is actually quite brilliant if you're trying to trick a simple minded detective, but I am no simple minded detective.

I quickly download the files of Quentin Hill and known associates onto my USB, my eyes flickering to the clock nervously.

I've been in this stuffy and oddly creepy room for less than ten minutes, yet I can still feel the nagging feeling that I oughtta scram before Ms. Garcia gets back from lunch.

Tucking the USB into the front of my blazer, I go to turn the knob of the door when it flies open, striking me right in the nose.

"Shit!" I growl, clutching my nose.

When I pull away my hand, it's stained with dark, crimson blood.

The woman with dark chocolate tresses in front of me looks at me oddly, not even bothering to check if I'm alright; which is quite insulting.

"You're not Garcia," She states, her eyes narrowing.

"Nope," I reply, attempting to scoot past her.

"Can I see your badge?" She questions, blocking my way.

"Who says I have a badge; I was just dropping off something for Penny," I smile weakly.

"Penny?" She repeats, looking a bit wary of my story.

I inwardly curse at my stupidity; I'm supposed to be a world class spy and assassin, but I can't even lie my way past an FBI Agent.

"As in Penelope Garcia..." I trail off, noticing the blonde woman behind the Agent in front of me.

I realize my luck has ran out when I notice the name on the badge of the blonde woman.

Penelope Garcia.

"There she is now!" I grin, pointing towards the blonde and scooting past the agent, Emily Prentiss.

"Um, what's going on here?" Penelope questions, entering the room and placing her sloshing unicorn mug on the desk.

I take this moment to bolt from the room with blood still streaming down my face.

I must look a sight, covered in blood and running away from an FBI Agent.

I guess my appearance and Agent Prentiss screaming for someone to grab me is an open invitation to be used as crash test dummy because I'm suddenly and abruptly body slammed to the floor.

"Owwww," I moan, struggling to free myself from beneath the surprisingly good looking man pinning me down to no avail.

Weighing my outcomes, I groan when I realize there is no getting out of this situation due to the ratio of agents to myself. I left my gun in the car so I wouldn't look suspicious and attempting to reach the holsters on my thighs that hold my knives would look extremely odd.

"Will you get your fat butt off me!" I exclaim, wriggling as the man flips me over to snap handcuffs around my wrists.

"My butt isn't on you, ma'am," The man chuckles softly.

"What a gentleman; he remembered his manners after body slamming me to the ground," I quip sarcastically as he yanks me off the ground.

The room is filled with agents, each and every one of them eyeing me with suspicion. Not that I can blame them, though.

"So, do we get a name?" Agent Prentiss questions as I'm lead down a well lit hallway.

"Unless it's the name of my lawyer you want, I'd think not," I scoff, throwing my titian hair behind me with a quick jerk of my head.

"Would you be willing to give us their name and possibly their number?" A man with shaggy brunnette curls questions softly.

"Absolutely," I grin, albeit a bit maniacally as they lead me into a drab grey room with a wall of glass.

"Oh, looks like things are getting serious now," I sigh dramatically.

The good looking man who I have learned is Agent Morgan starts to pat me down and I jump at bit at his touch.

"Woah woah there dude, hands off!" I growl, pulling myself away from him quickly.

"Derek, I'll take care of it," A kind looking blonde woman, Agent Jareau it seems, speaks softly.

She takes over and unsurprisingly finds the two daggers strapped to my thighs. She raises her eyebrows a bit at them, but hands them off to Agent Prentiss without a word.

"Can I just say for the record I had no idea those were there," I lie.

She finds my USB next and I grumble a little, making a mental note to swallow it next time.

"Do I even want to know what's on that?" Agent Prentiss scowls.

"Nope, and you will never find out," I reply simply.

"When will Rossi and Hotch get here?" Agent Jareau questions her colleague softly.

"Wait; Rossi, as in David Rossi?" I question, my heart jumping a bit at the name.

"Yeah, do you know him?" Agent Jareau questions sweetly.

"Definitely," I groan, hunching over the table and placing my head in my hands.

This was going to be a very long day.

First chapter up! I honestly didn't think I was going to write another Criminal Minds fanfic after Selcouth, but HannahV77 had such a fantastic idea and I'm honestly quite excited to continue writing it!
-Sierra B.

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