Chapter 34

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It was Sunday, and Yuri woke up half-naked in Otabek's arms yet again. They were getting way used to sleeping together, to the point that the raven had hopped over to Yuri's house, picked him up and bought him to his place for the night after finding out his parents would be savouring the hot weather in Australia instead.

'Mm.... Morning, Bitch...'

'Good morning, Yura.' Otabek kissed Yuri's forehead, watching him rub his eyes like a baby. 'I was expecting more manners from you in the morning.'

'Me?! I'm grouchiest in the morning...'

'I can tell. I'm up for a lazy Sunday, too. Thank god my parents are gone, or I would be stuck revising.'

'So where did your parents actually go?' Yuri hadn't the time to ask last night, he had been whisked away rather quickly. It was 11pm, mind you.

'Australia. They always leave me, and they probably wouldn't mind very much if I even went clubbing.'

'Woah. But you don't?'

'Even when I'm 21, I won't. I wouldn't even drink alcohol, just the occasional wine to be polite. I have no interest in any of it.'



'Jesus, you're so pure...' Yuri flopped back onto the bed, before grabbing his phone to check any messages. 'Lillia and Yakov found my bed empty, this is hysterical.'

'What did Viktor tell them?'

'The truth. But not the part about us sleeping together, on the same bed, half-naked.'

'They've probably guessed that part themselves.'

'Fair point. Okay, I'm gonna brush my teeth, breakfast awaits~'

The two of them spent the entire day downstairs, Yuri doodling on every single one of Otabek's copy book covers and Otabek, of course, spending much of the day lost in a wondrous novel. They ended up on the couch watching Netflix at around 7, before Yuri's tummy monster began to roar.

'I'll make something Kazakh.'

'I was gonna tell you to just order something because I'm nice, but I guess not.'

'I knew you'd want some of my cooking. Time to food poison you, yay!'

'Wait, are you cooking from scratch or are there left overs from yesterday?'

'Left overs, sorry. But I made it.'

'That's cool. I don't want you cooking just cuz I'm here.'

Otabek smiled, before walking into the kitchen and coming back two minutes later to a sobbing Yuri. He rushed to the blonde's side, only to find that he was crying with laughter. 'You scared me, Yura.'

'I'M SORRY, LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON INSTAGRAM!' He shoved the phone into Otabek's face – on the screen was a video of some drunk guy, about Otabek's age due to his height. 'IT'S JJ, FROM HIS PARTY! GET THIS, CHICKEN NUGGET WAS THE ONE WITH THE GUTS TO POST IT!'

'Minami? Oh well, 'chicken nugget' shall rest in peace.'

'He shan't be missed.'

Otabek set the bowls of rice down on the table, putting his feet up as he snuggled up next to Yuri. 'My cooking is horrible, just pretend you like it for me.'

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