Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guyz! Thank you all so much for so many reads ALREADY, I'm flattered!!!

And hey, for those of you who like K-pop, there's a treat above! You can listen to the song whilst reading. And sorry if K-pop isn't really your thing, that aspect of this chapter is dedicated to

If you're reading this, comment #ChrissyClauseIsCummingInTown

(Even tho it isn't Christmas)


'Hey there, you two.' It was Viktor by the door, surveying their strange gestures. Why were they holding hands like that, and why was Otabek Altin of all people blushing?

'Hey Viktor,' replied Yuri, an annoyed tone present in his voice. He just dropped their hands, but didn't let go of Otabek's. 'And is he that Yuuri kid you keep talking about?'

Otabek glanced behind Viktor, and could make out a flustered Asian hiding in his shadow.

'Sure is. He's pretty hot, isn't he?!' Viktor was smirking when he said this, but Yuuri had begun to hyperventilate.

'You didn't notice me, just holding another guys hand, smiling at him? ARE YOU OKAY?!' Yuri was agitated now.

'What, he's hot by fact! Just because you have a boyfriend Yurio, it doesn't make my Yuuri less good looking.' Viktor's miniature speech made Otabek flush a deep red, and Yuuri almost dash out of the room, but the younger Yuri just rolled his eyes.

'I'm not even gonna try.'

Yuuri interrupted, obviously trying to change the subject. 'Hey... Altin-kun?'

'Just Otabek's fine. That's a Japanese thing, right? The 'kun'?' He asked.

'Yeah, oops. So we were wondering, did you manage to complete question 12 on our geography homework? I didn't exactly know how to do it...'

'Oh, you mean the diagram thing?' Otabek stood up and let go of Yuri's hand, 'Yeah, sure, I still have to finish that question too.' The raven bent down for his bag, Yuri glaring at the booklet he pulled out. They were three years older than him, and he wanted to at least try and understand the homework. The three seniors circled around the desk that Otabek had laid his booklet on, and Yuri was trying to squeeze in next to Otabek.

Whilst Viktor and Yuuri had begun copying down the answers, Yuri took his chance and read the sheet. It was slightly confusing, but he got the gist. Bending over further, the blonde absent-mindedly ran his hand back up to Otabek's forearm and massaged it slowly and gently. This time, the Kazakh had begun to notice Yuri's thing for his muscles. He looked at the teen from the corner of his eye, being sure not to turn his head, and smiled to himself.

'Yuri's good at this.'

'Aaah, thanks Otabek!' Viktor and Yuuri packed up their homework and secluded themselves in their own little corner, giving Otabek time to talk to Yuri calmly.

'Hey Yura, my parents are going away for their anniversary, so I'm gonna be home alone for a week or so. Maybe you could come over?' Otabek smiled, but Yuri's smile was wider.

'Yeah! I could sneak out around 5, maybe bring Potya! I could get Viktor to 'keep watch' or something, make him useful.'

'Yurio, I heard thaaaaaaaaat!'

'Good for you, then!' Yuri turned to yell back, but it was no use – his cousin had begun to talk endlessly to his boyfriend. 'He's hopeless.'

'Well, Viktor is your older cousin.'

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