He nodded, " Know What?"

Here goes nothing.

" Who was that girl you were telling me about a couple of weeks ago."

He shook his head, " No one, we don't really talk anymore.

" Are you sure , because I won't judge."

" It's no one, okay drop it."

I nodded, " Okay, got it."

I didn't want to argue with him so I decided to drop it.

I opened his door and was about to walk out, " Wait."

I smiled, " Yes?"

" Look, I'm going to call her and ask does she want to tell you now?"


" I know her?"

He nodded, " Yea but you can't be mad, it was my decision not to say anything."

" Mia?!"

He nodded his head.

" Are you serious?! How long?"

" I'm going to call her and we will talk, but please don't be mad at her."

I nodded, " I'm not, but why didn't you guys tell me sooner? I'm not mad."

He shrugged, " I was scared I guess."

" Well call her so we can talk and I think Will should know too."

He looked scared for dear life, " Fuck! Will! Oh no."

I laughed, " What?"

" He's going to kill me!"

" Yes he is, so it was nice knowing you brother."

" Fuck you."


" Lily?"

" Hey Connor."

Well look who called me.

" What's up Beautiful?"

" Nothing much."

" I want to hang out again."

I started laughing on how blunt he was.

" Okay."

" Okay."

" But this time I get to choose the date."

He sighed, " Good. I said hang out because I didn't know if you considered us hanging out a date."

I chuckled, " Well prepare yourself for the best date ever."

" Can't Wait."

I hung up and put my phone on charger. Currently waiting  for Mia to come.

Wow how come I didn't see this coming?

Because they didn't tell you stupid ass?

Shut up brain.

" Okay look I'm a horrible best friend and I know you hate me but I didn't want to disrespect Nicks wishes. I really am sorry and I know you are never going to talk to me again and I mean why would you, I'm dating your bro-."

" Mia!"

Mia just came in here and it seems like she is on candy high.

" Yes?"

" I'm not mad just wish you guys told me sooner."

My door swung open again.

" Oh I'm fucking mad alright!"

" Hello Will."

He put his coat on my bed and start pacing back and forth, he does this a lot.

" We are your best friends Mia, I told you and Lily about Brian."

She sighed and hugged him and I jumped off my bed and joined in on the hug.

" I'm really sorry guys, I wanted to tell you guys so many times."

She start crying, I immediately let go.

I love Mia but I really don't know how to tell somebody, " Oh it's okay, don't cry."

" Will."

He nodded his head, " I was kidding I'm not mad and Lily and I are happy for you, even though you stole my man."

She start laughing or more like laughing mixed with crying, " You guys don't hate me?"

I nodded, " We couldn't even if we tried and Nick you can come in."

He came in and just stood there looking like he would want to be anywhere else but here.

I stood in front of him and smiled sweetly " Now listen you may be my brother but if you hurt her you are going to get it so good, you think my little pranks are bad well try me , I would make sure you never get any girls after her again, Understood?"

He nodded immediately, " Good."

" My turn."

" Go ahead Will."

He took Nicks hand and had a grip on it so Nick couldn't let go.

" I guess you and me weren't meant to be but that's okay because you kind of got ugly when I found out you were dating my best friend but point is, that if you and her split you can come back to daddy."

Mia gasped, " Will!"

" I'm kidding but Lily pretty much summed it up for you, so I would recommend you to be a good boy."

Nick nodded, " Got it."

" Do you really?"

Mia decided to jump in, " He gets it guys and thanks for setting the rules down."

Will shook his head, " Oh those weren't the rules, I'm just getting started."

Oh boy.


Wassup kids!

I think this is the longest chapter I did but hey it's okay.


Mia and Nick?!

Crazyyyy 😭

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