Chapter 27

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We had a plan. Nathan was going to draw a name from Carolina today at noon. It would be televised live. We put it all over papers, and magazines yesterday that we had to re draw for Carolina. The reasons we kept under wraps.

It was now 11:55. Nathan was here, and so were the camera people. Nathan was jittery again. He was standing next to me, and his eyes were darting from camera to camera. I knew he was anxious. He wanted to get this over with. He wanted the Selection to get started.

"We're live in one minute," one of the camera men said.

That's when Kriss came in. She dodged the cameras that filled the office, and stood by my side. She laced her fingers with mine. I look at her.

"What? I missed the first time. I at least want to see this," she said quietly.

I notice Kriss is wearing the North Star necklace that Alison found. Has she always worn it? Maybe, and I've just been too blind to notice it.

The first time Nathan drew there were so many people, and so many bags of letters that I was even lucky to be in the room to watch.

"And we're live!" the same camera man said.

The room went silent as Gavril began. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is a very special Report. We were saddened to hear that the contestant from Carolina would not be able to compete. But we still wanted to have thirty five girls in the contest. So I am joined with King Maxon, Queen Kriss, and Prince Nathan. Prince Nathan is going to draw the name, then he will announce the winner himself. So enough talking. Let's get this show on the road. Nathan, if you will."

Gavril stepped aside and let Nathan take center stage. He nodded at the camera. Then plunged his hand deep into the bag. By the looks of it, he was about halfway down the bag. He moved the letters around a little before picking one. He drew his hand out, and stepped forward. Gavril joined him.

"So Prince Nathan, will you please read the winning contestant," Gavril said.

Nathan took a deep breath before opening the letter. It all seemed to move in slow motion. Kriss squeezes my hand as Nathan pulls out the folded letter from its envelope. Gavril takes the envelope from Nathan, and hands it off to one of the camera men.

Nathan takes another breath before unfolding the letter. It's ye bottom first. I see a signature. It's hard to make out from here. Then he opens the top part.

"The wining girl from Carolina is," Nathan takes a breath while looking at the name of the winner. "Marissa Singer, a three."

My heart nearly drops. Gasps go around the room. One from Gavril, the other from Kriss. Gavril collects himself and says, "Well there you go. There are now thirty five Selected in the contest for Prince Nathan's heart. We will see you lucky winners next week. Thank you for joining me on this very special Report. We'll see you back here on Friday."

The cameras go off. Everyone begins their reactions. Some go, "Is that America Singer's daughter?" and, "Singer? As in America Singer?"

Kriss looks furious, but she keeps it under control.

"Are you alright?" I ask her.

"I will be," she replies sharply. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." I squeeze her hand, and she leaves my office.

Nathan comes up to me with the letter. "Do you know this person?" He asks me.

I look at the letter. Marissa is an exact copy of America. My father was going to have my head. I look down the paper to see her parents names. Sure enough America Singer was wrote is beautiful cursive. No father. It made me wonder, who was their father.

I sigh and sit in my chair. I see my father coming near my office. I could practically see the steam coming off of him.

I hand the letter back to Nathan, and say, "I'll talk to you about it later. For now why don't you go back to what you were doing before this." I shoo him out of the room.

My father motions at me. I knew we couldn't talk in here. I leave my office, and follow him to the library. No one was ever in there, it was a better place to argue then most places. He takes me into the corner farthest from the door.

"What the hell was that Maxon?" He asked me. His voice was sinister.

"What? The fact that there was another winner?" I ask.

"No. The fact that, that five's daughter was put into the drawing."

"First, her name is America. Not five. Second, she's not a five anymore. At least I assume she's not. Third, we don't even know if it's America's daughter. But there is a chance it is."

"I swear if it is her daughter, it won't end well for you, or her."

"You can't harm her. As far as most people are concerned you don't have as much power as you think you do anymore. I'm not going to be pushed around by you anymore."

"What? Do you really think you can over power me?"

It was a challenge. I knew I could over power him. "Yes. I really think that I can over power you. You may be my father, but I am the king of this country. And if I say that she is the winner for her province, then I mean she is the winner of her province."

I just made him even more mad. Then he hit me. He slapped me across my face hard. The impact made me stumble back, but I stayed on my feet. I clutched my burning cheek.

"You will never be able to over power me Maxon. I want her out. That family is bad for us. I also want those lower caste girls out. None of them deserve to be here. If I so much as see that five or her daughter here, I swear it will come back to you. And it will be so much worse than a whipping."

He turns to leave. "I will not be taking anybody out of the Selection. You've ruled over me for far too long. I'm taking a stand here father. You will not be telling me what to do. So whip me, kick me, punch me, slap me. One day everyone will know what you've been doing to me for the last thirty years."

He turns, and punches me right in the eye. This time I do fall back. I land with a thud. "Don't ever say anything like that again."

I growl at him, but he is too far away to hear it. He leaves the library. My son Nathan comes out from behind one of the shelves.

"Nathan? What are you doing here?" I ask.

I knew he at least heard the last part. He helps me up. "I came looking for a book to help me with my work when I heard you and grandfather beginning to argue. I was worried, but stayed hidden. I didn't want to come in between," he says.

"Nathan you can't tell anybody what you heard here. Your mother, Alison, Ben, and Grandma can't know." He shakes his head. I know he understands. "Good. Now I have to go to the infirmary. You might have to help me. I can't see out of one eye."

Nathan gives a light hearted laugh, and I give one too. Together we make it down to the infirmary. I'm lucky to have a son like Nathan.

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