Chapter 19

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Sure enough the letter came the next day. Marissa wasted no time on filling it out. I urged her to slow down and think about it all carefully. As I told her this she sighed, and sat back down. 

It lasted another ten minutes. When she was finished I looked over her paper. All of it was true. 

"All right. It all looks good. Now the papers aren't due until next week. That's when you'll take your photo," I say.

"Mom. I've got it," Marissa says back.

"I know. I just want you to have a good chance. There will be many girls all across Carolina that want to marry the prince. I just want you to get chosen for who you are, and not what you look like."

"It'll be fine. I think I have a good chance."

Marissa stands and walks back to her room. I stand and walk over to the rest of the mail. There in the pile is a letter directed to me. It's on thick paper that feels very expensive. There is no return address. But as I flip the envelope over I see the Illean seal. Right away I knew it was from the palace.

I carefully open the letter. I see the bottom part first. It was a letter from Maxon. I quickly open it. In his beautiful handwriting I see his letter to me.


There were so many things I wanted to tell you when we were in Carolina. I finally worked up enough guts to write you this letter. Some of these things have just happened recently after our trip. As you may or may not know our eldest Nathan is having a Selection. Have Marissa enter. Maybe fate will work in our hand and she'll be in. I won't tinker with it like my father did with mine. 

As for what happened in Carolina my daughter Alison had found a piece of jewelry that belonged to Kriss. It was a North Star. Alison said while she was in Carolina she found a North Star, and a threat from the Northern Rebels. I was wondering if you knew anything about them, or the threat. I know they're supposed to be good and what not, but I'm asking on her behalf. Please look into it and write back. Just be careful when you do. 

I still love you deeply America Singer. I always have, and I always will. 

Tugging my ear whenever,


I hold the letter close to my chest. 

"What is that?" Lucas says walking up behind me.

"Oh. A letter from an old friend," I say turning to face him.

"Mom, you're a terrible liar. I can see the signature through the paper."

I sigh and put the paper on the table. "How did you ever become so smart?"

"I learned from the best."

I smile at him. "Okay now we have some things to do around here. Could you help me please?"

"Sure." And just like that we get to work.

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