The Perfect Alibi

Start from the beginning

"Did my sister just leave?" Kyla asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Yeah." Spencer nodded. "She went down to the station to sit in on an interrogation.

"The one Avery is doing?" Kyla asked walking around the couch.

Spencer nodded. "Oh wow, Kyla you look amazing." Spencer said as she looked the small brunette up and down. Kyla took so long because she'd manage to do her makeup and hair after getting dressed in the outfit Ashley had suggested. "Avery won't know what hit him."

"That's the plan." Kyla beamed.


"Avery, what are you doing out here, isn't Spencer's brother here yet?" Ashley asked as she poked her head into Avery's office.

"Yeah, he's in two." Avery said turning back to his magazine his feet propped up on his desk as he leaned back in his chair.

"Then what are you doing in here?"

"Letting him stew." Avery said simply, not bothering to turn and look at Ashley. "You should know this technique by now Davies."

"First off," Ashley said, grabbing the magazine out of his hand from over his shoulder and smacking him upside the head with it. "you have date with my sister tonight and she's getting all dressed up for you so you better not cancel on her. Second, this is Spencer's twin brother we're talking about here. You really think he could do something like this? It wasn't Spencer and it isn't her brother Avery. If Spencer's brother was a serial killer don't you think that's something Spencer would know? And if that was something Spencer knew; wouldn't you think she would tell me?"

"That was a lot of what if's and woulds, Davies." Avery dropped his feet and stood up from his chair. "I don't know what she would or wouldn't do and I don't know what the 'boy Spencer' is capable of. All I know is we have him at the dating agency which we're sure is where the CFK picks his victims and leaving a crime scene. Don't you think that-"

"It could be a coincidence."

"I don't believe in those, Davies. You know what my grandmother used to tell me?" Avery stepped in front of Ashley who was standing in front of the door.

She playfully rolled her eyes. "No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

"There is no such thing as a coincidence. Every piece of the puzzle fits, you just have to find the right angle."

"Hmmph." Ashley narrowed her eyes and fought off a snicker. "Profound. Do you mind if I sit in?" Ashley asked as Avery sidestepped her.

"Of course, you can't Davies. He's your girlfriends' brother."

"I know, I just... Spencer's worried and I just wanted to reassure her and let her know that-"

"Fine. Play the girlfriend card. You can watch through the glass." Avery narrowed his eyes at her and pointed a playfully stern finger. "Don't you dare tap that glass for any reason either."

"I won't." Ashley lifted her hands in defense. They both headed down the hall towards the interrogation rooms where Glen was sitting in Room two awaiting Avery.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your wait, I had some paperwork to finish up." Avery said as he walked in and took a seat across from Glen as Ashley watched from the other side of the glass. Avery took his time unloading his shoulder bag onto the floor next to the table before slowly turning to Glen with the same opening line he'd used in hundreds of interrogations. "Would you like something to drink or a snack, I can have a colleague grab you something from the vending machine."

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