AddictofChocolate (TFA 2017 Winner)

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Hey everyone!

So, if you do not know I am @addictofchocolate , and my pen name here on Wattpad is Evelyn Rodriguez. I struggled a lot to figure out what on earth I wanted to talk about (like, A LOT) but, I finally decided it would be best if I told you all a little about who I am so you can get to know me, and then I'll post the prologue of my newest book on Wattpad: Rekindling Us so that y'all can read it and see if you're interested in pursuing it on my profile.

So, first off, I'll give you guys the quirky little about me I have on my profile page with a few added notes:

1) I loooooove reading and writing. Seriously. I read about a book a day maybe more depending on the length. So, you do the math.

2) I am a Pentecostal Christian and absolutely proud of it. I love God and speaking of his love and wisdom is a joy.

3) Some of my favorite shows include: NCIS:LA, once upon a time, castle, leverage, and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff networks put on

4) I want to pursue being a doctor, but I'm not sure what type yet (I'm thinking a Hospitalist, though).

5) I'm a pretty big nerd and I love it! (Nerds don't get nearly as much credit as they should these days).

6) I love baking, cooking, you name it! (I make a mean muffin).

7) I'm from the Dominican Republic, and therefore Hispanic.

8) I'm a die hard chocoholic (especially when it comes to dark chocolate truffles with raspberry filling). If you couldn't tell this by my username, I just gave you a huge cyberslap.

9) I adore watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond

10) I'm that 6'1 girl you see laughing at what she reads on her phone in the middle of a store (yes, I am 16 and really that tall)

11) I am enamored with all things sparkly, shiny, or hot pink (yet, I can't remember to put anything more than tinted moisturizer on my face everyday; Go Figure).

12) There's a huge feud between me and insects; they know I will scream my head off and kill the crap out of them if they come near me.

13) I hate olives with a vengeance; we have a very horrible relationship.

14) I'm a sucker for happy endings.

15) I have a very short attention span, so I tend to get bored very quickly

16) I have a weird obsession with infinity scarves (I always gravitate toward them in any store).

17) I'm very clumsy with an intense case of butterfingers, and I usually drop everything.

18) I tend to randomly start humming or singing in stores

19) Rush Hour 3 is my most favorite movie of all times

20) I'm a weird mix of sorta girly-girl, kinda nerd like, and lazy bum.

21) I have dark curls that everyone seems to love but me

22) I have terrible vision

23) I'm used to people stopping me on the street and asking me if I model or do basketball because of my height (Not as cool as it sounds, trust me).

24) Evelyn Rodriguez is just a pseudonym so I don't have stalkers ;-) (You never know with the internet these days!)

So, that's a little about me. And now, here's the prologue of Rekindling Us. Remember, if you're interested, go to my profile page and check it out! It is still a work in progress, but if you want a full book while you wait, you can check out The Secret Singer which is the one that got the award from @youngadultreads. Thanks so much everyone and happy reading!

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