3k special

733 14 2

Warning ⚠️ this story has a lot of drug use and stuff violence

Setting:high school

Time: 7:00 am

Demi's outfit:

Kehlani's outfit:

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Kehlani's outfit:

Demi's hairstyle:

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Demi's hairstyle:

Kehlani's hairstyle:

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Kehlani's hairstyle:

(They both are so perfect)

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(They both are so perfect)

Demi's pov

I wake up in the morning at 7:00 am and I put on a pink skirt,a Starbucks shirt,and some white shoes and a jean jacket

"Demetria Lovato if u don't get down here admittedly you are gonna be late" my mom yell

"I'm coming mom" I yell back

I grab my book bag and I put my cheer uniform in there and my phone and my money for lunch and I run downstairs and I go to the kitchen and get a chocolate chip muffin and I kiss my mom bye and I grab my head phones and I run outside to the bus and I see my friends Courtney and Kylie

"Hey guys" I say

"Hey Demi" they both say at the same time

"Who is that new girl I never seen her at our bus stop" Kylie ask

"I don't know bout she is ugly" Courtney says

"Yeah Haha" Kylie says while laughing

"Right Demi" Courtney says snapping me out of me looking at the new girl

"Huh yeah,right" I say

"Did u guys do you're homework for Ms Franks" Courtney ask

"Yeah I'll be back" I say while walking away from them and walking up to the new girl

"Hi I'm Demi" I say

"I am Kehlani it's a weird name I know" she says

"No it's not"I say

"Yes it is" she says

"Well you're new here right" I ask

"Yeah" she says

"I like ur hair" I say

"Thanks I like you're outfit" she says

"Yo Demi get away from that dyke" Ashton my friend screams

"Shut the fuck up Ashton she's not a fucking dyke you fucking douche bag" I yell back

"Aww you have a girlfriend" Ashton teases

"Leave me alone Ashton" I say

I look over to Kehlani and she's tearing up and the bus finally comes she runs quickly on the bus and sits alone I sit with Courtney and Kylie and the bus pulls off

"Guys I'll be back" I say while running to the back where Kehlani is

"Hey I'm sorry that my friend were being mean" I say

"No it's um fine" she says

"Would u like to come over my house when we get out of school" I ask

"Sure" she replies while pulling up her sleeve

The bus stops and Kehlani grabs her bag from the seat

"Cya later" she says

"Yeah" I say

She walks off the bus

(In English class the middle of the lesson)

Kehlani walks in

"Oh good for u to join us Ms Parrish" the teacher says

Kehlani waves

"Introduce yourself"  the teacher says bluntly

"Hi I'm Kehlani I'm from Oakland California I am 15 I like basketball and singing and yeah" she says then goes to the back

Guys there will be a part 2

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