Chapter 5- chill day

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Kehlani's POV

I wake up to see Demi sleep in the hospital bed I look at her and I smile I tap her shoulder

"Baby wake up" I say

She yawns

"Hey baby" she says while her eyes flutter open and she smiles

"Hey baby I'm going to get some breakfast from the cafeteria want anything " I ask

"Yeah can i get a pancake and tea or a water" she ask

"Of course beautiful" I say while kissing her lips

I stand up and I walk out the room and I close the door I stand into the elevator and I head to the cafeteria I go to where the snacks are and I see seaweed so I grab a pack and I grab some Doritos and a sprite and a water for Demi then I head to where the breakfast is and I get a pancake then I pay for all the stuff then I walk out and I get into the elevator again and I head to Demi's room and I knock

"Come in" her raspy sexy voice

I walk in

"Bebe you didn't have to knock" she says

"I know I just wanted to hear you before I walked in" I say

"Aww" she says while sitting up

"Baby you're going on the tour bus today" I say

"Can we just have a chill day" she ask

"Of course Baby" I say

The doctor walk in and looks at me

"She can go home now" she says

I nod

"Thank you" I say

"You're welcome" the doctor says then walks out

"Come on" I say

She laughs then gets up revealing her panties and I white tee shirt I bite my lip she giggles while putting on shorts

"Come on let's go to my hotel" she says

I nod then grab the food and drinks while Demi grabs her duffel bag of clothes then we walk out of the hospital and we get into the limo I look at Demi in the eyes and I kiss her

"You're so fucking beautiful" I say

"I wish" she says

"Bitch you are beautiful" I say

She laughs then kisses me

*at demi's hotel*

She layd on the bed then i lay next to her and i start kissing her neck then i make my way to her lips then i get on top of her and i pull off her pants 

"Lani stop im not ready" she says in a soft voice

I get from off of top of her then i lay next to her

"Sorry" i say

She takes off  her shorts all the way then she takes off her shirt i bite my lip she then grabs her bra and she unhooks it but she holds it then smiles and lets it go then i bite my lip without noticing 

"Wow um uh you're so beautiful" i say

 "Fuck i shouldn't have showed you um I'm um sorry im ugly i just gained confidence" she says while trying to find her bra

 i grab her arm gently then i pull her near me then i grab her boob gently and she moans 

 "Ohh fuck" she says

 I laugh then i kiss her boobs once she grabs my hair whilst I'm kissing her boobs she pushes me off her

 "Lani stop" she yells loud enough for me to hear

I get off of her then i get up and i grab my stuff 

 "Call me when you get you're shit together love yourself before you love me" i say then i walk out

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