Quan: how was school

Jayla: boring and painful *yawns* im tired as fuck tho

Quan: you stay tired but I am too

Jayla: OK then *smiles*

Quan: I wanna see you

Jayla: ft me then

Quan: face to face lil girl

Jayla:*laughs* well.....ima come see you next week....maybe

Quan: mmhm say less

Ding dong

Jayla: ughh

Quan: what

Jayla: whoever this is can't stay long cuz im tired *walks downstairs*

Quan: it may be something good

Jayla: what food *opens the door*

Quan:better....me *smiles and hangs up*

Jayla:*screams and jumps on him* Quannnnnn

Quan: hey baby

Jayla:*jumps down* what you doing here

Quan: I wanted to see my "girlfriend"

Jayla: mmmhmm *goes upstairs* why you aint tell me you was coming *lays down*

Quan: I wanted to surprise you

Jayla: *smiles*

Quan: *hugs her from behind* did you miss me

Jayla: you know I did

Quan: you feeling okay

Jayla: yes...just tired as fuck

Quan: start going to sleep at night

Jayla: but who be calling me tho

Quan: I don't know you tell me who you be on the phone with

Jayla:*elbows him in his stomach* don't play

Quan: *laughs* ow girl

Jayla:*turns around facing him*

Quan: what

Jayla: how you know I want something

Quan: the look on your face

Jayla: *looks in his eyes* yes

Quan: yes what *furrows his eyebrows together*

Jayla: yes I will be you girl

Quan: you for real

Jayla: deadass *smirks*

Quan:*smiles and kisses her*

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